[OSGeo-Announce] FOSS4G-Europe 2017: Call for Sponsors

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From: Fenoy Gerald <djay@osgeo.org>
Date: 13 December 2016 at 04:42
Subject: FOSS4G-Europe 2017: Call for Sponsors
To: news_item@osgeo.org

Dear community,
we are glad to share with you the call for sponsors that has been sent for the FOSS4G-Europe 2017 conference ([1], [2], [3]).

The FOSS4G-Europe 2017 local organizing committee is calling for sponsors to help making the 2017 edition a great success. Supporting FOSS4G Europe in 2017 is about giving back to the open source community as well as getting a unique opportunity to promote your geo business.

Sponsoring this event means:

• Engaging a premium audience of key geospatial industry stakeholders and potential customers,

• Demonstrating the strength of your corporate brand, products or services,

• Networking and building relationships

FOSS4G-Europe 2017 is a unique marketing opportunity and we believe it will provide your company or organization with great industry rewards.

A variety of sponsorship packages are available and the local organizing committee is happy to consider any customization to meet your needs.

We are open to your ideas for sponsoring any of the following items:

• Event lanyards or swag

• Ice Breaker event

• Coffee breaks

• Gala event

Please contact sponsor-foss4ge2017@osgeo.org for any inquiry.

Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy & Nicolas Paparoditis
Chairs of FOSS4G-Europe 2017

[1] https://europe.foss4g.org/2017/Sponsors
[2] http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9dd5e894ee8c610b6a9b9da14&id=3529a022a8&e=31b17377cb
[3] https://europe.foss4g.org/2017/assets/pdf/FOSS4G-Europe-2017_Sponsorship-Packages.pdf