[OSGeo-Announce] gvSIG update version 1.1.1 and 3D pilot extension for gvSIG 1.1.1 are available

gvSIG 1.1.1, a partial update of gvSIG 1.1, is now available for
download in which some problems detected by our users have been fixed,
so it is possible to working normally with the application. gvSIG is the
Generalitat Valenciana free System Information Geographic software
(GNU/GPL license). It's a tool oriented to manage geographic information
and characterized by a quick access to the most usual raster and vector

As usual, it can be downloaded from the Download section of the web page

The problems fixed in this distribution can be checked from the Release
Notes Section (http://www.gvsig.gva.es/index.php?id=1741&L=2&K=1) and to
install the partial update you must have gvSIG 1.1 correctly installed.

On the other hand, the pilot application awarded the development
contract for the 3D Extension by the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure
and Transport is available too. It allows the creation of 3D Views,
XYZ-projected as well as spherical (planetary), where local and remote
data sources can be loaded as layers, and displayed using most of the
options available in 2D like transparency, labeling, legends, etc.

It's available in the Extensions section of the web page
(http://www.gvsig.gva.es/index.php?id=1835&L=2) and to install this
extension you must have correctly installed gvSIG 1.1.1 version.


Mario Carrera Rodríguez
Grupo SIG-CAD / gvSIG
Asistencia técnica externa
Servicio de Organización e Informática
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport
Generalitat Valenciana
Valencia (España)