[OSGeo-Announce] Invitation to Geo4All Webinar on March 29th 2016 (Tue) at 17:00 GMT

Invitation to Geo4All Webinar on March 29th 2016 (Tue) at 17:00 GMT

"Geo for All" is the Open Source Geospatial Foundation's Open
Educational outreach with our partners worldwide with the mission for
making geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all.
Onbehalf of Geo4All we would like to welcome you to the "Open
Geospatial Science & Applications" webinar series. Thanks to Dr.
Rafael Moreno and colleagues at University of Colorado Denver for
organising the Geo4All webinar series. If you are interested to do a
webinar for the Geo4All webinar series please contact Rafael (email-
rafael.moreno@ucdenver.edu ) and he will be happy to discuss ideas.

Webinar details below:

Date and Time: March 29 (Tuesday) at 17:00 GMT
Topic: FOSS/FOSS4G in Urban Forestry Applications in the USA
Presenter: Ian Hanou, Plan-it GEO http://www.planitgeo.com/

Talk abstract:

This presentation will introduce the use of FOSS/FOSS4G applications
for urban forest management, outreach and planning. Case studies will
highlight web/mobile apps from municipal, private and nonprofit
sectors across the country. The first examples will focus on mobile
field data collection, data management, maintenance tracking and
reporting for urban tree inventories of parks, streets and private
property planting projects. The second half will take a big picture
view of the entire urban forest at a landscape scale using urban tree
canopy assessment data in interactive online mapping applications.
These tools will show how progressive organizations can view, plan,
and grow their urban forest without knowledge of GIS software or
training in data management.

Join webminar from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android on

The webinar recordings will be available at http://www.geoforall.org/webinars/
