I seem to have run into a problem while installing the patches placed
in the patch directory on moon.army.
I had unpacked all the sources for the new 'r' commands (r.cost,
r.digit, r.in.poly) in the directory as specified and was running
gmake on the entire directory when gmake crashed. The error involves
an undefined symbol somewhere in the r.in.poly program named
_G_plot_line2. It is reference only once in the program poly2rast.
Anybody else tried to build these patches and encountered a similar
problem, or do I get to be the guinea pig?
Harry Sharp
USMail : Office of Institutional Research, USC, Columbia, SC 29208
E-mail : sharp@bigbird.csd.scarolina.edu (or) usceast.cs.scarolina.edu
Lifetime Member Bear and Otter Lovers Society