Problem with DXF reading

With reference to my previous messages concerning GRASS reporting
'degenerate lines' when I run on my imported DXF, I believe
I've found the cause. The problem line was an arc whose start angle was
279 and finish angle was 5 - this was converted to a line consisting of
ONE point - hardly the best line ever :sunglasses:

I manually amended the finish angle to 365, i.e. 5 + 360, and then
reimported - worked fine and didn't report any problems.

I've checked the add_arc.c source code and believe that adding a
statement in the second case ensuring that the finish angle is always
greater than the start - by adding 360 degrees.

        case 50:
                start_angle = atof(dxf_line);
                sflag = 1;
        case 51:
                finish_angle = atof(dxf_line);
                fflag = 1;

Any thoughts ??

Steve Culshaw
NRA North West
e-mail : (use this for general usage)
or (Private - only checked at best