PROJ.4, new release

PROJ.4.2.2 has just been placed on (
This release repairs problems with Polar Stereographic (UPS not affected)
and `geod's computation along meridians.

Since some users of PROJ may not consistently monitor GRASS mail nor
News gis I will estabish a list of email addresses for distribution of
error or special notes related to PROJ.4. If you are interested in
being on this list, please send me email (
Notes will probably not be more than one or two per month.

Also, a thank-you for all users who have contributed bug reports and
constructive comments.

Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden Internet:
voice: (508)563-6766 Postal: P.O. Box 1027
  fax: (508)457-2310 N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027