Local governments on the municipality or provincial level often have to deal with DXF/DWG/DGN documents delivered from architects, urban planners or engineering companies. As an example, cadastral or utility offices or companies often have to import CAD documents to either check deliveries about correctness or import selected objects into their central database. Another requirement is being able to visualize planned objects, such as buildings or bridges alongside with the cadastral data.
QGIS lacks proper import of CAD data so far – DXF files can only be imported on very basic levels (without styling and labelling), DWG files can’t be imported at all.
A requirements document has been written to implement import of DXF/DWG (and potentially also DGN) files into QGIS, while maintaining styling, labeling, 3D, curves and blocks.
The company Norbit, with Jürgen Fischer, submitted an offer. Jürgen is a long-term QGIS developer and QGIS.ORG board member. Norbit has extensive experience with bridging GIS and CAD.
The plan is to use the Teigha library of the OpenDesign Alliance (ODA) to read the CAD documents. Either QGIS.ORG or OSGeo would become a member of the ODA, to get access to the source code and for distributing the Teigha libraries with QGIS binaries.
At this time we are looking for organisations or companies that help funding the effort. The offer from Norbit is over 32k €. We are looking for institutional crowd funders with minimum contributions of 1k Euros. If you are interested in contributing, please contact by mail at andreas (at) qgis (dot) org.
Giovanni Manghi
- WebGIS development
- QGIS/PostGIS Training
- QGIS Support and Consulting
- QGIS development
Giovanni is QGIS main tester and active member of its development team
Parabéns pela iniciativa!
Vou divulgar e tentar angariar investors… mas vai ser difícil.
Não estou a ver como poderá o QGIS (livre) adoptar tecnologia Registada da Open Design Aliance, designadamente a Teigha(R) Libraries ? Mas vou tentar encontrar e ler o texto referido.
Eu apostava no DXF 2000 como primeira grande meta!
Será uma grande ajuda, caso venha a ser considerada uma “norma aberta” Portuguesa…
Porque não apoiar o trabalho já desenvolvido no GDAL/OGR para leitura do DXF 2000?
Está tudo documentado:
O Frank concerteza agradecia uma ajuda para variar… !!!
Nesse caso eu tambem disponibilizo-me para dar o meu modesto contributo (em trabalho e conhecimento)
Trabalhei muitos anos a programar e a criar ficheiros DXF…
Abraço e estou a torcer para que dê resultados.
Ricardo Pinho
2015-12-08 19:19 GMT+00:00 Giovanni Manghi <>:
Local governments on the municipality or provincial level often have to deal with DXF/DWG/DGN documents delivered from architects, urban planners or engineering companies. As an example, cadastral or utility offices or companies often have to import CAD documents to either check deliveries about correctness or import selected objects into their central database. Another requirement is being able to visualize planned objects, such as buildings or bridges alongside with the cadastral data.
QGIS lacks proper import of CAD data so far – DXF files can only be imported on very basic levels (without styling and labelling), DWG files can’t be imported at all.
A requirements document has been written to implement import of DXF/DWG (and potentially also DGN) files into QGIS, while maintaining styling, labeling, 3D, curves and blocks.
The company Norbit, with Jürgen Fischer, submitted an offer. Jürgen is a long-term QGIS developer and QGIS.ORG board member. Norbit has extensive experience with bridging GIS and CAD.
The plan is to use the Teigha library of the OpenDesign Alliance (ODA) to read the CAD documents. Either QGIS.ORG or OSGeo would become a member of the ODA, to get access to the source code and for distributing the Teigha libraries with QGIS binaries.
At this time we are looking for organisations or companies that help funding the effort. The offer from Norbit is over 32k €. We are looking for institutional crowd funders with minimum contributions of 1k Euros. If you are interested in contributing, please contact by mail at andreas (at) qgis (dot) org.
Giovanni Manghi
- WebGIS development
- QGIS/PostGIS Training
- QGIS Support and Consulting
- QGIS development
Giovanni is QGIS main tester and active member of its development team
QGIS-pt mailing list
Ricardo Pinho