r.mapcalc script and pipes

Agustin Lobo writes:

If I type
set ima = vegetation1
r.mapcalc res = $ima * $ima

r.mapcalc works without problems, but if I type
r.mapcalc < test

where test is a file whose only line is:
res = $ima * $ ima

then r.mapcalc says <$ima> not found, that is, it does not interpret
$ima as the value of ima. If I write test as,
'res = ' $ima '*' $ima

then r.mapcalc gets confused and me too.

I have to use this piping because r.mapcalc is within a loop in an
script, ima takes different values and the expression actually passed
to r.mapcalc is complex.
Is there any way to get r.mapcalc to interpret $ima when piped?

Avoiding a direct answer (as I don't know that I have the definitive one!!),
here is how I deal with such problems:

echo "res = $ima "\*" $ima" > test
r.mapcalc < test

This kind of sequence can be easily looped, and, although it may become a bit
unwieldy, can be used to create quite complex scripts. Hope this helps!

Malcolm D. Williamson - Research Assistant E-mail: malcolm@cast.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12 Fax: (501) 575-3846
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701