Thanks for youe help!
I removed the comments around #include "rasterfile.h" but the compiler
could not find the file
1501-106: (S) Include file rasterfile.h not found.
The file is present in /r.tiff/tools, so I heve included all the path:
"/tele/grass/src.contrib/SCS/raster/r.tiff/tools/nclude "rasterfile.h"
This is not elegant, and I still get another error:
c -s -o /jalmera/grass/RS6000/etc/bin/contrib/cmd/r.out.tiff OBJ.RS6000/r.out.tiff.o /tele/grass/src/libes/LIB.RS6000/libgis.a ../libtiff/LIB.RS6000/libtiff.a
cc: 1501-228 input file ../libtiff/LIB.RS6000/libtiff.a not found
Using find fron $GIS I don't find any libtiff.a
find . -name libtiff.a -print
Any ideas?