My particular installation doesn't have gdal compiled with Grass support
(yet), so I need another work around, hence r.mapcalc/patch.
~ Eric.
-----Original Message-----
From: Maciek Sieczka
To: Patton, Eric
Sent: 5/11/2006 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] More efficient to use r.mapcalc or r.patch in a
loop for creating mosaics?
On Thu, 11 May 2006 14:16:32 -0300
"Patton, Eric" <> wrote:
I'm writing a script to mosaic an arbitrary number of rasters
together. So far, the script works fine, using the following mapcalc
statement in a 'for' loop:r.mapcalc "$OUTPUT=if(isnull(Map_A), Map_B, Map_A)"
I should note that I'm reading the map names in through an array
which was populated in a previous step. My question is: Is there an
advantage in using r.mapcalc over using r.patch for this work? At 1m
resolution rasters, and about 60+ of them, this could take a long
How about GDAL?
gdal_translate to create an empty raster, of the target extents
write your maps into it with gdalwarp one by one
It should be faster than Grass.
There's also but it consumes lots of memory and may fail.
W polskim Internecie s? setki milion?w stron. My przekazujemy Tobie
tylko najlepsze z nich!