
Hi Grasshopper

Has anyone done any program to resample raster data to an irregular

I need the data output in this form for a groundwater model and
thought I check before embarking on a program, to do this.

cheers Tom :sunglasses:

Tom Charnock
Dept Civil Engineering
Aston University
Birmingham B4 7ET UK

charnotw ( writes on 12 May 94:

Has anyone done any program to resample raster data to an irregular

sure - check

it does nearest neighbor, bilinear interpolation, and cubic convolution
when the irregular grid is provided as a site list.


James Darrell McCauley, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA, mccauley%ecn@purccvm.bitnet, pur-ee!mccauley
** will finish PhD/engr in 9/94 - need job. inquiries welcome (no hh, plz) **
** Personal WWW page URL **