I am attempting to use RIM via v.db.rim with multiple text fields;
currently the .read_vect option only allows for easy entry of 1 text field.
I wrote an "awk" script that converts a dig_cats category file with
multiple categories:
( 63: ROMOroute 63 : Y : North Deer Mountain : FR53
into a v.db.rim input file format:
attnum 63
route ROMOroute 63
horses Y
name North Deer Mountain
plan FR53
using this awk program file:
BEGIN {FS = ":"}
{OFS = "\n"}
{print "","attnum "$1,"route "$2,"horses "$3,"name "$4,"plan
with the syntax: awk -f RIMIN /$MAPSET/dig_cats/file > rimin.file.
The number of field 'groupings' produced is equal to the number of
labeled attributes.
Then, using .query in v.db.rim to select all records, I used .print to
output all the records in the database in the list format. The number of
field 'groupings' is equal to the number of line segments (seqnum).
Can anyone help with a script file that will JOIN the additional text
fields to the output of v.db.rim? (or does anyone want to re-write the C-
code for .read_vect in v.db.rim to allow for multiple text field import?)
(output from v.db.rim) (output from awk program)
seqnum 1 attnum 1
attnum 1 route ROMOroute 1 route
route name North Deer Mountain
name plan FR53
plan horses Y
vtype L
refmap trails.romo
(desired results for re-input into v.db.rim)
seqnum 1
attnum 1
route ROMOroute 1
name North Deer Mountain
plan FR53
horses Y
vtype L
refmap trails.romo
Thank for any help offered!!
Ronald Thomas
Natural Resource Spec. (GIS)
Rocky Mountain National Park
Estes Park, CO 80517