Source code by directory

Hi there,

while installing GRASS yet once more (SCO ODT3.0), I noticed that,
while I don't want to keep the whole source code around, I sometimes
need specific files, so I've reorganized the source code on our server
(that's, /pub/packages/grass/grass4.1/source.upd3).
Instead of one huge archive split into 1MB chunks, I've cpio'd and
gzipped the separate directories. Also, with gzip the total comes
to a bit under 10 MB as opposed to nearly 15MB of 'compress'd code on the

The files are as follows:
      1842 Feb 28 16:18 README
   1711655 Feb 28 16:29 man.cpio.gz
    757099 Feb 28 16:06 src-display.cpio.gz
    221551 Feb 28 16:06 src-general.cpio.gz
    367538 Feb 28 16:06 src-libes.cpio.gz
    903511 Feb 28 16:07 src-mapdev.cpio.gz
    389686 Feb 28 16:07 src-others.cpio.gz
    136224 Feb 28 16:07 src-paint.cpio.gz
    303311 Feb 28 16:07 src-raster.cpio.gz
   1062277 Feb 28 16:07 src-xgrass.cpio.gz
    759197 Feb 28 16:08 src.alpha.cpio.gz
    577463 Feb 28 16:08 src.contrib-CERL.cpio.gz
   1427831 Feb 28 16:08 src.contrib-SCS.cpio.gz
    489886 Feb 28 16:08 src.contrib-others.cpio.gz
   1130404 Feb 28 16:08

README contains the script used to produce the files.


Martin Ameskamp, Inst. f. Informatik I (Computing Dept.)
Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Fax: ++49 431 8804054, Voice: ++49 431 8804474,