Source whereabouts

A while back, a colleague posted a problem with users being able to kill each
others monitors without permission. Consequently, we've started to look at the
workings of <src/display/d.mon/pgms/stop.c>, but have hit a wall, possibly due
to lack of UNIX expertise. A few questions follow, but first, here is the
relevant code :

/* quiet mode returns: 0 - open OK */
/* -1 - driver locked */
/* -2 - driver not running */
/* -3 - can't open fifos */
/* -4 - no such monitor */
/* -5 - GIS_LOCK undefined in shell environment */
/* -6 - couldn't read, write or create lock file */

#define OK 0
#define LOCKED -1
#define NO_RUN -2
#define NO_OPEN -3
#define NO_MON -4
#define NO_KEY -5
#define LOCK_FAILED -6

stop_mon(name, forced)
    char *name;
    char *cur, *G__getenv();
    int unset;

    unset = 0;
    cur = G__getenv("MONITOR");
    if (cur != NULL && strcmp (cur, name) == 0)
  unset = 1;
    if (forced)
    R__open_quiet(); /* call open_driver in quiet mode */
    switch (R_open_driver())
    case OK:
      fprintf(stderr,"Monitor '%s' terminated\n",name);
    case NO_RUN:
      fprintf(stderr,"Error - Monitor '%s' was not running\n",name);
    case NO_MON:
      fprintf(stderr,"Error - No such monitor as '%s'\n",name);
    case LOCKED:
      fprintf(stderr,"Error - Monitor '%s' in use by another user\n",name);
      fprintf(stderr,"Error - Locking mechanism failed\n");
    if (unset)
  G_unsetenv ("MONITOR");

1. HP-UX 8.0 has no system call for <switch>. This function looks awfully like
that which is available through the csh interpreter.
Is it defined somewhere in GRASS src? We can't find it.

2. Our programmer's manual, dated I May 92, lists <R_open_driver> and
<R_close_driver> as library routines, but not <R_open_quiet> or
<R_kill_driver>. Needless to say, we would like to take a hard look at the
latter. Are we even supposed to possess the source somewhere in */lib?

3. Any other suggestions for troubleshooting? The monitor locks file has -1
written to it for running monitors; .gislock has a PID written, as advertised.
The server is a HP-9000. Display systems include SunSparcs and Macs.

Please e-mail replies if not considered of general interest.

Loughborough University of Technology tel : (0509)263171 ext 4164
Computer-Human Interaction Research Centre fax : (0509)610815
Leicestershire LE11 3TU e-mail - (Janet)
G Britain (Internet)

1. HP-UX 8.0 has no system call for <switch>. This function looks awfully like
that which is available through the csh interpreter.
Is it defined somewhere in GRASS src? We can't find it.

I'm not sure what you mean by this...switch is a C construct. R_open_driver
returns one of the case's.

2. Our programmer's manual, dated I May 92, lists <R_open_driver> and
<R_close_driver> as library routines, but not <R_open_quiet> or
<R_kill_driver>. Needless to say, we would like to take a hard look at the
latter. Are we even supposed to possess the source somewhere in */lib?

See src/libes/raster/io.c

--Darrell McCauley, Purdue University