Rasmus Lindberg wrote:
Ok, then I continue to work to with GeoServer and hope that you will make a
So I assume you do need a svg solution? or you just would like one?
While I have been waiting for your answers today I have cleaned up a bit in
our database and given the layers more understandeble titles. So maybe
tomorow I can start to make an SLD for may layers.About layers, do you have a clue how I do different LineSymbolicers for
differentroadtypes in the same layer. How do I pick the atributes from the
rules contains both symbolizers and filters. Filters are OGC filters as for the OGC Filter 1.0 implementation specification. Take a look at the cite wms client demo from the geoserver trunk:
- download geoserver
- run ant test
- browse to http://localhost:8080/geoserver/data/mapbuilder/index.html (writing from memory, so the path could be wrong, but it will be easy to figure out)
This example is a html/javascript/xsl based WMS client and the CITE layers have styles with multiple rules, still being short and easy enough for a quick understandment of how they're layed out.
Those sld files are in cite/confUserBasic/styles/cite_*.sld. In particular, cite_road_segments.sld (again, the file name could be wrong) can be of help to you, since it defines different styles for features based on attribute values.
Note that you can pass SLD documents inline with a GetMap request, just add SLD_BODY param to your GetMap request with the body of your sld doc, but be careful of properly encoding uncommon characters like the '#' fot HTTP conformance. You can check this behavior by going to the demo section in the geoserver gui and selection one of the getMap***.url requests.
hope this helps, and do not hesitate to bug us if you need some more help.
One more time Tank you for all help today.
/ Rasmus
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Gabriel Roldán [mailto:groldan@anonymised.com]
Skickat: den 30 mars 2005 15:14
Till: Chris Holmes
Kopia: Rasmus Lindberg
Ämne: Re: SV: SV: [Geoserver-devel] SV: SV: SLD for smal displaysChris Holmes wrote:
Gabriel, any chance you can do a quick Batik based SVG producer? If not
definately. I guess there still are no other WMS that supports SVG.
That's why I _want_ to improve ours, but yeah, I guess we could just use
batik in the mean time, if someone really needs it.
Rasmus, do you _need_ svg output? I guess you will for nice pda display,
but I guess the svg profile for mobile devices is a bit different than
the used by batik, though I'm pretty positive too that it could work
anyway, since we don't need declarative animation and javascript for a
simple map.let me see what I come out with.
I can look into, you're just the WMS master at the moment, so could
probably do it faster than I. But it wouldn't hurt for me to get up to
speed if you can't. I'd like to help Rasmus out, I feel bad that he
spent all this time and now can't do anything. I think Batik may be ok
for his needs, I mean, at least for a demo, even if a bit slow. And
then maybe svg when there is time.You _need_ svg Rasmus? Because the other formats work a lot better.
I'm pretty positive deegree does not support svg.Chris
Quoting Rasmus Lindberg <cil00lr8@anonymised.com>:
I don't realy know what my thiese will end into, but hopefully I will
to make a nice looking svg-map that we can use in a SonyEricsson V800
in an
application that a friend have made. Today he can view a black/green
map of some roads and buildings in Lund, but we want to get it in
colour and
differnet symbolisation. What do you think, will it be possible
Do you know if it already works with deegree? I have a Deegreeserver
too, but I haven't realy found out how it works.I feel that I heve been running now for a while and now I hit a wall
of the goal/ Rasmus
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Chris Holmes [mailto:cholmes@anonymised.com]
Skickat: den 30 mars 2005 12:58
Till: Rasmus Lindberg
Ämne: Re: SV: [Geoserver-devel] SV: SV: SLD for smal displaysQuoting Rasmus Lindberg <cil00lr8@anonymised.com>:
Hmmm, your answere didn't make me spescialy happy, it makes that
I have
tried to do during the last four weeks now you say is impossibleHopefully I have learned a bit about SLD and can try to make an
that hopefully will work one day.I'm really sorry. That sucks. I feel really bad. It's actually not
impossible, it would be pretty easy for us to use Batik to make it
possible. The only problem is that if you're working with large
datasets it will be slow. If you would like I could try to spend
time getting Batik working - it just takes the form we use from other
output formats, and turns it into svg.I found this line in my GetCapabilities
<UserDefinedSymbolization SupportSLD="0" UserLayer="0"UserStyle="0"
This has to do with 'user defined' sld. That is sending your sld
document to the server directly. GeoServer 1.2 did not support this,
but you could use SLD if you set it on the server side (since SLD was
our styling format). This is supported in 1.3What does it say?
How about 1.3-beta? Will it solve any of my problems? As you mayby
see I'm
running won't solve your problems yet. But if you'd like slow svg
support that's where I would do it. Keep in mind it's only slow on
large datasets, should be fine on smaller ones.Chris
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Chris Holmes [mailto:cholmes@anonymised.com]
Skickat: den 30 mars 2005 10:00
Till: Rasmus Lindberg
Kopia: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; Gabriel Roldán
Ämne: Re: [Geoserver-devel] SV: SV: SLD for smal displaysProbobly there are. I can't realy understand that it can be so
to get
it to work.
Well, because we aren't doing our job well. The first problem is
that we
don't check to see if styles are valid when they are uploaded.
we can get this fixed soon. Right now we just fail to show the
style.I suppose that either is my sld-file wrong, the setup of the
wrongor there are som problems with the data in our database.
Yesterday I found out that I have to write redline in the"style="-thing
inthe URL i send. So now I get a map which I didn't before. But it
green ( I wrote wrong before, it is green and not black)
Oh, it's green. And your client looks svg-ey. Um (cringe) styles
work with svg. When Gabriel implemented them he did styling on the
side. We actually could get styling if we used batik. It runs
but it will do styles. The current svg implementation is based on
things a lot more quickly, at the expense of styles. Perhaps we
somehow offer both . an svg-fast and an svg-styled. Gabriel, any
on this? Use batik for one, your old code for the other?If you go to this link you can see how it looks like. It is a map
primaryand secondary roads in the comunity of Lund, Sweden.
http://raz.dns2go.com/tobias/WMS_Client.htmlIf you check this javascript-file you can see how the client
I'musing line 11 in each vaiablearray.
http://raz.dns2go.com/tobias/functions.jsI realy would be happy to get something to work, so that I can
start to do
what I should do, to find out what is good catography for small
/ Rasmus
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: dblasby@anonymised.com [mailto:dblasby@anonymised.com]
Skickat: den 30 mars 2005 02:45
Till: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Kopia: Rasmus Lindberg
Ämne: Re: SV: SLD for smal displaysRasmus,
There's probably something incorrect in your SLD file. Could you
ps. I also sent this to the geoserver-devel list so other couldhelp.
Rasmus Lindberg wrote:
Hallo Chris and Dave
Now I have tried and tried but I can't get teh geoserver to do
I have one layer with major roads and when I use the normalstyle
I get
default boring blackline map. Now I have tried to make an
where I
define the LineSymbolizer to make a 10 pixel width red line.
Then in config/data/style.do I have created a new style anduploaded my
In /config/data/typeSelect.do I have choosen the layer with themajor
and changed
Style to redline and "Submit", "Apply", "Save"Now when I run my klient I hoped to get a red roadnet, but I
What have I made wrong?
/ Rasmus
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fran: Chris Holmes [mailto:cholmes@anonymised.com]
Skickat: den 14 mars 2005 21:15
Till: Rasmus Lindberg
Kopia: David Blasby
Amne: Re: SLD for smal displaysHey, this is going to be a quick answer, since I'm moving to
Africa in
hours. But David should be able to help you out - he is geared
much nicer sld tutorial/introduction probably in april.
Hallo Chris
My name is Rasmus Lindberg and I'm studing Land Survaying in
Now I'm doing my Master thesis at GIS-centrum in
Lund. I will write about Catografy for small screens, moreexactly how
best present nice looking maps in PDA and cellphones.
Sounds cool.
I'm planning to use SLD tolayou the data in our GeoServer or
Deegreeserver. For some days I have searched the webb to find
than the spec, which I started to read but didn't understand
last week I found you page "A quick introduction to SLD" which
made me
understand much more what I'm trying to do. I hope that I now
understand a bit more what is said in the spec.
Yeah, that introduction needs a ton of improvement. There
is a
dearth of good information.
But I have some questions that maybee you can answear.
Yes, I can try to answer these. But could you do me a big, big
if I
do? The page you found is a wiki, and editable, so if you could
it with your findings, it would make many people happy. Sample
would be great, and more detailed introductions and examples.
whatever you want. We're all about the open source philosophy -
the beginnings of something useful up and hoping that others
Can I make one SLD-file that can work for several layers? And
do I
have to cover all possible objects?
Yeah, you can make one sld file that works for several layers,
to be fairly general. You don't specify the name of the layer,
and it
will match against others. But it means that you can't really
against the names of properties, unless of course the layers
property names. Which is possible, especially if you are the
the layers. But basically, yes, you can have one sld file that
several layers, and I don't think you have to cover all possible
I think that line symbolizers will work for polygons, for
least in our implementation. Though probably would not work for
As I understand you can't send SLD-files to the server, but
pssible in 1.3. When will 1.3 be relised?
We should have a beta out this week, and hopefully a release
the end of the month. The functionality should be in on
source tree), we just haven't tested or released yet.
Do you have any bigger SLD-file that I can look at to
a bit
better how SLD works? The normal-file that I found in GeoServer
so much.
No, I don't have any bigger ones. I'm far from an expert on sld
wanted to put up an intro for people who knew nothing. If/when
you do
some larger sld files please do share them with us. Oh wait,
there are
more than the 'normal' file in geoserver. If you have the
check the server/geoserver/data/styles directory. There are a
filters and a couple more interesting things than 'normal'.
Do you have any experiances of cartografy for small displays?
Hope that you can help me, and that I maybee can help you later
Cool. I hope this helps. Like I said, I'm not an sld expert.
But the
next big goal for geoserver is very solid sld support _and_
get everyone making much prettier maps.
best regards,
Whish you a happy day/ Rasmus
Rasmus Lindberg
Student at the M.Sc. Programme in Land Surveying at the
Lund Insitute of Technology, Sweden.
Email: cil00lr8@anonymised.com
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