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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1993 10:51:34 PST
From: PoKung Lin <pklin@CERF.NET>
Message-Id: <9301291851.AA18839@nic.cerf.net>
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To: grassp-list@amber.cecer.army.mil
Subject: Problem of graphic window resize and repaint
Cc: pklin@cerf.net
PoKung Lin:
I have compiled GRASS4.0 source under INTERACTIVE UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2
with X11 Release 4. When I ran the grass4.0, I found that if we kept the grass
to its default size, every command seems working OK. But if we enlargeed
the grass window, the following problems would accur:1. The d.display will only show the frame, the GRASS icon, and
the region information. When it came to display the popup menu, the
whole grass window disappeared.2. After the grass window got resized, the 'd.' commands (exccept
the d.display mentioned above) still work. But if there was any
window (e.g. shell window) overlapped on top of it and if we
moved the overlapped window away, the grass window only got repainted
to its default size and left the rest of the grass window black.The development system I am using is the INTERACTIVE Workstation Developer
got from SunSoft dealer last December. The GRASS 4.0 source came from the
Young Mind CD.Is there any people using INTERACTIVE development system to compile grass4.0?
Do you have the same problems? How do you solve the problems? Any hints to
resolve the problems is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your
I have also been attemptng to get GRASS 4.0 to run under Interactive UNIX
V/386 Release 3.2 Version 3.0.1 with the Interactive Development Package.
With the Initial Distribution of GRASS 4.0 (Summer 1991), I also had
troubles with large X Windows which would disappear and d.display that
had real problems. What I found to work "better" (from the large windows
point of view) is the XDRIVER update which is available via anonymous FTP
at max.cecer.army.mil (IP Address is in the directory:
"/grass/grass4.0/updates/src/display/devices/XDRIVER/XDRIVER". It works
well for displaying in the larger windows and has new features such as
a driver name (x0, x1, x2 ....) and automatic regeneration upon resizing,
but the "rubber banding" is painfully slow (and that was OK in the orginal
Some other problems which I have also seen are crashs with some Vector Files
and the full-screen text mode which freezes upon defining the coordinates
for a new mapset (but works correctly for modifying existing mapset
coordinates!). Temporarily I have been editing the WIND and DEFAULT_WIND
by hand (vi), as a work around. So far I have not been satisfied with
GRASS 4.0 as it is presently running under Interactive UNIX. At the
University we run GRASS 4.0 on SUN WorkStations and there are no problems,
but this System V Release 3.2 does not appear to be compatible enough with
the basic GRASS Code. I had big plans of getting it into a fully working
state, but so far time has been in short supply and the problems may not
be straight forward fix. Not sure if by myself it will ever reach
completition as I had initially planned?
Lawrence Houston .....
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| Lawrence Houston (HOUSTON@MGM.lan.mcgill.ca) |
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| Department of Geography - McGill University |
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Acknowledge-To: <houston@mgm.lan.mcgill.ca>