Hi Folks,
The new and improved, semistable version of s.surf.krig is now available
on our ftp site:
login as "ftp"
passwd is username
cd pub
Unfortunately, I don't have time at the moment to detail the algorithm or
contact those people who specifically asked for this update as I am in
the process of moving to James Cook University. My accounts here at
Macquarie will however remain for a few months so I am contactable here in
Things to note: Please, please, please read the Numerical Recipes copywrite
notice! I have permission to distribute my code with their
routines in it, BUT only on the understanding that you not
remove these routines for use elsewhere unless YOU have a
numerical recipes licence. Permission was granted to use
and distribute 2 nr routines in code designed specifically
for researchers. Please read the notice in "main.c".
p.s. please feel free to modify my program in any way that suits you, I
don't have any problems with that. If however you use my code to
build a different program you must remove the nr routines. sorry.
Chris Skelly (chris@mqmet.cic.mq.edu.au) writes on 11 Feb 93:
Things to note: Please, please, please read the Numerical Recipes copywrite
notice! I have permission to distribute my code with their
routines in it, BUT only on the understanding that you not
remove these routines for use elsewhere unless YOU have a
numerical recipes licence. Permission was granted to use
and distribute 2 nr routines in code designed specifically
for researchers. Please read the notice in "main.c".
I intended to fix the NR problem personally, but since this spring's
schedule is shaping up to be a real bear, I'll let others know what I
had in mind.
A while back I started trying to compile a replacement for NR. For
each chapter in the book, I started hunting equivalent routines (that
indexed from zero!!!!!!!!!!) that were freely distributable.
Before I spent too much time on it, I ran across two people at UCLA
that had the same general idea a long time before me. The principle
party is Ajay Shah, who deserves a lot of credit. The package, "AnS
C," (Ajay -n- Somebody else whose name escapes me.. maybe Sharon) will
be freely available once it is finished (if that hasn't happened
already). I had an early copy, and was quite impressed. Excellent
document. I don't recall exactly which matrix manipulation routines
it had, but this is a possible source for replacement routines.
If some programmer is seriously interested in this, get in touch with
me and I'll try to track down the source.
p.s. please feel free to modify my program in any way that suits you, I
don't have any problems with that. If however you use my code to
build a different program you must remove the nr routines. sorry.