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Newsgroups: info.grass.programmer,info.grass.user
Path: melannie
From: melannie@NREL.ColoState.EDU (Melannie Hartman)
Subject: GISGEN problems
Sender: news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account)
Message-ID: <Cp750F.13AH@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 22:26:18 GMT
Distribution: usa
Organization: Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Colo. State Univ.
Lines: 43

I am trying to install Grass 4.0 on an hp700. While running
GISGEN, I get the following "Duplicate symbol" error from ld.
Has anyone seen such an error or know what I can do to correct


Melannie Hartman

Here is a typescript of the error messages I am getting...

GISGEN Mon May 2 18:12:56 EDT 1994
GISBASE = /tools1/grass4.1/hp700
SRC = /tools1/grass4.1/src
CMD = /tools1/grass4.1/src/CMD
HEADER = hp700
ARCH = hp700

        /tools1/grass4.1/bin/gmake4.1 -all
  make -f OBJ.hp700/make.rules

        rm -f a.out
        /bin/cc -s OBJ.hp700/main.o OBJ.hp700/get_train.o OBJ.hp700/lookup_class.o OBJ.hp700/opencell.o OBJ.hp700/openfiles.o OBJ.hp700/parse.o OBJ.hp700/read_data.o OBJ.hp700/invert.o OBJ.hp700/read_train.o OBJ.hp700/closefiles.o OBJ.hp700/labels.o OBJ..hp700/write_sig.o OBJ.hp700/subcluster.o /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libI.a /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a -lm

/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "G_alloc_ivector", files /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(dalloc.o) and /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(ialloc.o)

/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "G_alloc_imatrix", files /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(dalloc.o) and /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(ialloc.o)

/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "G_free_ivector", files /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(dalloc.o) and /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(ialloc.o)

/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "G_free_imatrix", files /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(dalloc.o) and /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(ialloc.o)

/bin/ld: Found 4 duplicate symbol(s)
*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

GISGEN failure at STEP: src.alpha/imagery/i.gensigset

Your problem originates in /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/gis/Gmakefile or
/tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/gis/dalloc.c. It looks as though
/tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/gis/ialloc.c has been cat'ed onto dalloc.c
(thus some symbols are duplicated in libgis.a).

The quick fixed would be to remove line 88 from the
Gmakefile( ialloc.o\), remove the library, and re-run gmake4.1 in
this directory.

Apparently Sun's 'ld' never complained of this - this is
the first time that I've seen this problem. Perhaps the
integer allocation routines will be deleted from dalloc.c
in a later release (I've cc'ed Olga).


James Darrell McCauley, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA, mccauley%ecn@purccvm.bitnet, pur-ee!mccauley
** will finish PhD/engr in 9/94 - need job. inquiries welcome (no hh, plz) **
** URL for resume is **

News Account (news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU) writes on 2 May 94:

From: melannie@NREL.ColoState.EDU (Melannie Hartman)
Organization: Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Colo. State Univ.

I am trying to install Grass 4.0 on an hp700. While running
GISGEN, I get the following "Duplicate symbol" error from ld.
Has anyone seen such an error or know what I can do to correct

make -f OBJ.hp700/make.rules

       rm -f a.out

/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "G_alloc_ivector", files /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(dalloc.o) and /tools1/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB.hp700/libgis.a(ialloc.o)