N.Tate@xgate.uea.ac.uk, tbara@ncdc.noaa.gov, greg@towhee.cor2.epa.gov,
lobo@Jasper.Stanford.EDU, hertz@geog.psu.edu, rogche@ce.kth.se,
hnw@mtqgrass.ESD.ORNL.GOV, kmoloney@iastate.edu, caa@noaacrd.Colorado.EDU,
hofierka@devin.fns.uniba.sk, tokola@gis.joensuu.fi, amante@grouse.pnl.gov,
Bcc: mccauley
Subject: s.semivar - Semivariogram modeling for GRASS
s.semivar is a GRASS sites program for exploratory analysis and
semivariogram modeling of one variable in R^2. I am again soliciting
for beta testers from GRASS users. If you are interested, drop me a
note (so I can keep you informed of changes) and grab the source code
P.S.: *Please* send me email if you would like to be informed
of changes. I will be compiling a new list of beta testers,
so if I don't hear from you, you will not have any more
notices about s.semivar sent directly to you.
P.P.S: This is version 0.14B <05 Sep 1994>. Changes since
version 0.09B <24 Aug 1993> include:
added manual model fitting (like Geo-EAS).
added Mitas/Mitasova's radial basis function.
added several plotting abilities, including
a "crude" surface plot (for exploratory purposes) and
normal and lognormal probability plots.
scaling of h-scatterplots fixed (ranges).
The plan is to get this software ready for testing
in the next version of GRASS, so any feedback from
beta testers regarding functionality and/or documentation
will be valued. A non-GRASS version is planned for
sometime down the road...
James Darrell McCauley, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA
mccauley@ecn.purdue.edu, mccauley%ecn@purccvm.bitnet, pur-ee!mccauley