Update Package 3

                           *** GRASS 4.1 Update 3 ***

The third update package for GRASS 4.1 is now available via anonymous ftp from
moon.cecer.army.mil (IP Address: Please note this update does
not contain the fixes from previous updates; update packages 1 and 2 must first
be applied to GRASS 4.1 before installing this update.

Fixes were made for the following GRASS and XGRASS programs. A more detailed
description of the fixes is included within the update package, as well as in
the file grass/grass4.1/update_packages/UPDATES.3 on moon.cecer.army.mil.

    gis libes v.digit
    g.region v.patch
    g.setproj v.in.tig.lndmk
    d.mon (parsing termcap) v.in.transects
    d.mon (locking) v.report
    i.tape.other v.trim
    i.tape.spot grass fonts
    paint drivers xdigit (missing files in updates 1,2 )
    p.map.new xgrass: opening shell
    r.buffer xgrass: xdispay toolbox
    r.combine xgrass: xclip
    s.surf.tps xgrass: xdisplay barscale
    v.apply.census xgrass: xdigit Gmakefile

The two files which you need to retrieve for this update are:


README.3 contains information about unpacking and installing the update package;
upd_pkg.3.cpio is the actual update package.

If you experience problems retrieving these files from moon.cecer.army.mil,
please send email to grass-ftp-admin@moon.cecer.army.mil. Remember to transfer
the cpio archive using the binary mode of ftp.

If you have problems installing or using the update package, please send email
to grassbug@zorro.cecer.army.mil.