using CELL monitor

To be able to create high resolution (2000 x 2666) PostScript output to a
slidewriter, I uncommented the lines pertaining to the CELL monitor in
the monitorcap file and inserted CELL_HEIGHT and CELL_WIDTH values into
my .grassrc file. I then started the CELL monitor, set the region to
contain a very high number of cells, and issued display commands for
several map layers. Stopping the CELL monitor, I expected the newly
created raster map layer D_cell to have a 2000 x 2666 size, but it
didn't. It was only 640 x 480 cells in size. I suspect this must have
been hardwired in the CELL driver. Can anyone confirm this and supply a
method of changing these values?

P. Martijn van Leusen
Institute of Prehistory, University of Amsterdam

The variables in .grassrc are not automatically exported to your environment.
You can either set these environmental variables manually ( setenv CELL_HEIGHT
2666, etc., if you are running csh), or have them set automatically by
creating a .grass.cshrc file in your home directory with these variables
added to it (normally, copy your standard .cshrc to .grass.cshrc and edit it).

Malcolm D. Williamson - GIS Specialist E-mail:
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12 Fax: (501) 575-3846
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701

I was a bit hasty in posting my previous message about the CELL driver. I
found that after you stop the CELL monitor, Grass needs some time before
a cell map called D_cell actually is created. I was using g.list rast
before D_cell was created, so I thought the driver mechanism was wrong...

Thanks for your comments, Malcolm!

P. Martijn van Leusen
Institute of Prehistory, University of Amsterdam