using grass for GEOLOGY

We are interested in using grass as a geological map compilation tool.
I wonder if anyone else has any experience with this?

One set of programs which I was thinking would be useful would be some
structural data projections - eg stereographic projections of orientation
data which could be selected from a database using a combination of
spatial and attribute queries (rock type, location mask, etc).

Before I go ahead and try to implement this, I wanted to hear
from anyone else who may have done the same thing. Any takers ???


Simon Cox
Dept of Earth Sciences
Monash University
Clayton, Vic 3168 Australia

    My advice is NEVER digitize a complex geologic map by hand. The
result is too inaccurate and otherwise unsatisfactory. The best procedure is
to prepare stable copy for scanning by removing all artifacts not wanted in
the product. Then, have it scanned. Editing scanned copy is much easier.
If you have the funds available, contract for scanning and editing, or only
for scanning and do the editing yourself. The bottom line, i.e., cost to
your organization in time and money, is best when NOT manually digitizing it
yourself. Following that, GRASS is great for analysis!