
I try to work with v.spag, but I think I'm the exception that makes
the rules, as the man-page says that the program sometimes runs into
an infinite loop, and that exactly what is happening. Did someone
already try to debug v.spag?. Maybe the programmer can help me in
this respect. When it's working properly it's a valuable tool I think.
(I am running Grass 4.1)

Ronald Wiemer

For what it's worth, I've had v.spag run into a loop on a map that
contained (many) identical vectors - ie 2 or 3 copies of the same
vector on top of each other. Could this be the cause of your problem


P. Martijn van Leusen -------------------------------------------------------+
Leverhulme Research Fellow, The Wroxeter Hinterland Project |
University of Birmingham Field Archaeology Unit |
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT |
Phone +44 121 414 5513 Fax +44 121 414 5516 E-mail P.M.van-Leusen@bham.ac.uk