I am having problems with xgdisplay, running on an IRIS. First,
xgdisplay will not run under xgrass unless I specify -visual StaticColor.
If I do not specify this option, the window dies as soon as I try to
place it. I then get the message:
XGRASS DISPLAY LIB ERROR: Not enough colors available. Make more
available before strating again.
Second, I can run xgdisplay if I use the command:
xgdisplay -visual StaticColor
(I changed xgrass-menu in ./etc/xgrass-menu to include this option).
However, when I try to display elevations (in the spearfish location) in
a GeoFrame, the window dies and I get the error:
XGRASS DISPLAY LIB ERROR: Sorry, no available colors
However, I have no problems displaying elevations by using the "Control
Display Monitor" tool (d.mon start=x0) and then using the "Display Raster
Maps" tool (d.rast).
Using xwininfo, I get the same Visual and Colormap information for both
the xgdisplay and the x0 windows:
xwininfo ==> Window id: 0x3400068 (xgdisplay)
==> Visual: 0x20 (8 bit PseudoColor)
==> Colormap: 0x2b (installed)
xwininfo ==> Window id: 0x3400003 (GRASS 4.1 - Monitor: x0)
==> Visual: 0x20 (8 bit PseudoColor)
==> Colormap: 0x2b (installed)
It seems that if d.rast can display this image, and xgdisplay cannot, then
this problem may reflect a bug in xgdisplay. I can use xgdisplay to display
raster images which do not have as many colors as the elevation image.
Thanks for any help.
John Stamm
Interactive Computer Graphics Lab
Princeton University