1. My my - I didn't realise that there were so many frustrated
potential xgrass users out there! Here are extracts from my
installation notes dealing with xgrass. This is almost certainly
not comprehensive, but I hope that it assists folk:
SJDC 30/6/93
xgrass installation
Can't use gmake scripts because we do not have Motif locally
Use the binaries distributed from CERL
Grabbed binaries, and unpacked.
Moved xgrass4.1 (script) and xgdatabases (script) to $UNIX_BIN
Renamed $UNIX_BIN/xgrass4.1 to xgrass
Moved bin/x* to $GISBASE/bin
Moved etc/xg*.exe to $GISBASE/etc
Moved etc/xgrass-menu to $GISBASE/etc
Moved etc/XGIS.sh to $GISBASE/etc
Moved etc/xclip/* to $GISBASE/etc/xclip
Moved etc/xhelp/* to $GISBASE/etc/xhelp
Moved etc/app-defaults/* to $GISBASE/etc/app-defaults
NB there is a disfunctional version of xgrass-menu
in etc/xclip which should be AVOIDED
Users may want to
copy etc/xgrass-menu to .xgrass-menu in home directory
set environment variables $GIS $GISBASE $GISDBASE
run "xgdatabases" to set up database lists
add a couple of lines to the .Xdefaults file
SJDC 30/6/93
SJDC 14/8/93
Another item found in the installation manual:
appended $GIS/src/xgrass/XKeysymDB to /usr/openwin/lib/XKeysymDB
SJDC 14/8/93
2. Multiple users: > From grass-lists-owner@max.cecer.army.mil Sat Dec 18
10:41:38 1993
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From: "Mark P. Line" <markline@henson.cc.wwu.edu>
Subject: Re: xgrass, multiple users and photos
Sender: grass-lists-owner@max.cecer.army.mil
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Mark Line writesOn Fri, 17 Dec 1993, Simon Cox wrote:
> Chris Skelly wrote: