XGRASS X11R5 & Motif 1.2

> I thought I'd post this message again in hopes of getting a response
> from the CERL programmers. Is there going to be a fix for XGRASS
> to work with Motif 1.2 and X11R5?? Thanks.

  Shouldn't be any problems with X11R5. To get it to compile with
Motif1.2.*, use the XCLFAGS -DXM_1_1_BC and it should compile and run.



   I've compiled with that flag and it doesn't do any good. I don't know
   whether I have to have Motif 1.1 available but the flag doesn't make any
   difference. That is on a SUN and an HP. I had heard about the flag in
   some earlier GRASS mail and tried it in hopes of curing this problem.
   thanks for the response. bye.

                                        Joe Plesha

   | HOME OF GRASS ON HP9000s | HP 9000/385 HPUX 9.0 |
   | U. S. Geological Survey, BGP | bgdem1.cr.usgs.gov ( |
   | Electromagnetic Studies | Phone: (303) 236-1398 |
   | Denver, Colorado 80225 | Anonymous FTP site for HP GRASS |