
I had problems too in running my Motif-1.2 compiled xgrass, including
those recently mentioned (as the inability of writing in text fields
unless the mouse button is pressed). I also experienced very frequent
core dumps. Since I am using a SPARC10 I retrieved the GRASS binaries
from the moon site, and substituted xgrass. It works perfectly, and
I guess it's compiled with Motif 1.1. May I suggest making a separate
binary distribution for Xgrass, to avoid wasting bandwidth in retrieving
the whole binaries? In general SUN users do not want the binary distribution
for the whole package, since it is (correctly) compiled with static

    regards, ferdinando

Ferdinando Villa, dr.
Institute of Ecology Direct phone: +39-521-905615
University of Parma FAX: +39-521-905665
Viale delle Scienze e.mail: villa@eagle.bio.unipr.it
43100 Parma, Italy villa@sparrow.bio.unipr.it