In responce to:

      I am compiling xgrass on a HP7500. The file Matrix.c gives me the
following messages when I try to compile it.

              cc -Aa -D_NO_PROTO -D_HPUX_SOURCE -I/usr/include/Motif1.2 -I/usr/includ
e/X11R5 -I/usr/include/Xm -I/usr/grass4.1/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c Matrix.c
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 252: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "XmManagerClassPart".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 256: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "xbaeMatrixClassRec".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 258: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "/".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 256: error 1584: Inconsistent ty
pe declaration: "XbaeMatrixClassRec".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 259: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "for".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 259: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "/".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 259: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "/".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 260: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "/".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 296: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "SmScrollNodeRec".
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 296: error 1573: Type of "scroll
_queue" is undefined.
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 296: error 1578: Size of member
is unknown.
cc: "/usr/grass4.1/src/include/MatrixP.h", line 414: error 1000: Unexpected symb
ol: "XmManagerPart".
cc: "Matrix.c", line 147: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: ")".
cc: "Matrix.c", line 148: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "}".
cc: "Matrix.c", line 479: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "xbaeMatrixClassRec".
cc: error 2017: Cannot recover from earlier errors, terminating.
*** Error code 1

Can somebody help me.

Nalneesh Gaur

The problem comes from you compiling the xgrass code with motif 1.2. The fix
is to include <ManagerP.h> in Matrix.c. Here is a example of how I've
included this file in Matrix.c.

#ifdef MOTIF1.2
#include <Xm/ManagerP.h>

Note that I have defined the variable MOTIF1.2 in the makefile.

Have fun...

                                        Joe Plesha

   | HOME OF GRASS ON HP9000s | HP 9000/385 HPUX 9.0 |
   | U. S. Geological Survey, BGP | bgdem1.cr.usgs.gov ( |
   | Electromagnetic Studies | Phone: (303) 236-1398 |
   | Denver, Colorado 80225 | Anonymous FTP site for HP GRASS |