
I can't seem to run xgreclass. I get into xgrass4.1, and use the pull-down
meny to generate a new shell. When I type in xgreclass, I get a core dump:

Mapset <jstamm> in Location <spearfish>
GRASS 4.1 > xgreclass
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

When I give options, it doesn't seem to understand:

Mapset <jstamm> in Location <spearfish>
GRASS 4.1 > xgreclass -map geology -newMap geology.new
unknown option "geology"
xgreclass -help
xgreclass [options]
        -map mapname
        -newMap mapname
        xgreclass -map geology -newMap jeeology

If I do a g.list, it shows me that geology is a raster file. Also, if
I actually type in the example, it still comes back with unknown option:

Mapset <jstamm> in Location <spearfish>
GRASS 4.1 > xgreclass -map geology -newMap jeeology
unknown option "geology"
xgreclass -help
xgreclass [options]
        -map mapname
        -newMap mapname
        xgreclass -map geology -newMap jeeology

Any help would be appreciated.

John Stamm
Interactive Computer Graphics Lab
Princeton University