[Geonetwork-devel] Intermap in 2.0 beta? Jetty?

Hey guys, just downloaded the beta1 of 2.0. It looks great, and seems
to be a lot more responsive than the last version.

I'm looking to set up a little demo Zambian SDI with GeoNetwork, and can
probably put in some time to help out, at least in documentation.

First problem is that I can't seem to find a button for intermap?
There's the little animated gif on intereactive maps, but clicking on
it seems to do nothing. Is it just not supported yet?

I tried out Jetty and the first time got an error about not being able
to remove the log file - might be nice to just supress that warning
message. Then I got an exception for mckoi - 'Journal file already
exists'. Turns out it was because I was already running geonetwork in
tomcat. But is there a good reason why you couldn't have both tomcat
and jetty running? Not that you'd ever really want to, but it just
seems like both should be able to access the same database.

What's the roadmap for the next few months of Geonetwork? If you're
looking at GeoServer integration I can probably help out on that front.
I'm planning on just doing most stuff by hand, but we could fairly
easily make an installer that includes both GeoServer and GeoNetwork.

I probably won't have time, but it'd be a very cool feature if when you
uploaded a new shapefile it became available in WMS/WFS with GeoServer.
It shouldn't be all that hard to hack it in, just rewrite the gs
config file or send a java object across the wire. Then from
geonetwork you could either download the file or view it on intermap,
or access through wfs with udig.

Another cool feature would be for udig to connect to the geonetwork
catalog directly.

The documentation seems to be a bit sparse - would you guys be
interested in a wiki for documentation on codehaus? And you could make
use of their bug tracker as well. Both could help open up what's going
on to outsiders, as it's still pretty opaque. James can probably
arrange this, and I'd be happy to put up my findings as I get to know
the software there. Questions like how to change the colors and the
images so I can make it geared towards a Zambian SDI, for example.

best regards,


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Alle 13:53, mercoledì 29 giugno 2005, Chris Holmes ha scritto:

Hey guys, just downloaded the beta1 of 2.0. It looks great, and seems
to be a lot more responsive than the last version.

I'm looking to set up a little demo Zambian SDI with GeoNetwork, and can
probably put in some time to help out, at least in documentation.

First problem is that I can't seem to find a button for intermap?
There's the little animated gif on intereactive maps, but clicking on
it seems to do nothing. Is it just not supported yet?

No, intermap is not supported right now.

I tried out Jetty and the first time got an error about not being able
to remove the log file - might be nice to just supress that warning
message. Then I got an exception for mckoi - 'Journal file already
exists'. Turns out it was because I was already running geonetwork in
tomcat. But is there a good reason why you couldn't have both tomcat
and jetty running? Not that you'd ever really want to, but it just
seems like both should be able to access the same database.

On geonetwork McKoi runs in server mode. You get an error because both
tomcat and jetty run McKoi on the same port. To solve this problem simply
do the following on tomcat (or jetty):

- change the jdbc_server_port for McKoi (in web/WEB-INF/db/db.conf)
- change the geonetwork config.xml to reflect the new port you have choosen.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the list of suggestions!

We are working on a dedicated GeoNetwork opensource community website and although the URL will change in the future (it is confusing with the FAO GeoNetwork website itself).

You can go and have a look at it, register etc...: http://geonetwork.fao.org

I have put a WIKI system in place, had some problems getting Wicked installed but that has been resolved now. Still some work on permissions to be done I'm sure. Suggestions are welcome!

Currently we have created two sections: User and Developer
The user section has stuff on metadata editing and a start on installation and administration
The Developer section has some getting started stuff, but lots to be added there still.

I think the InterMap changes have not yet been committed to CVS, Stefano is working hard on his thesis, so I hope he will find some time soon after that.

We'll work on getting the time schedule & plans on the web soon. Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Nice hacks you are thinking of! Let us know your experiences.


On 29 Jun 2005, at 13:53, Chris Holmes wrote:

Hey guys, just downloaded the beta1 of 2.0. It looks great, and seems
to be a lot more responsive than the last version.

I'm looking to set up a little demo Zambian SDI with GeoNetwork, and can
probably put in some time to help out, at least in documentation.

First problem is that I can't seem to find a button for intermap?
There's the little animated gif on intereactive maps, but clicking on
it seems to do nothing. Is it just not supported yet?

I tried out Jetty and the first time got an error about not being able
to remove the log file - might be nice to just supress that warning
message. Then I got an exception for mckoi - 'Journal file already
exists'. Turns out it was because I was already running geonetwork in
tomcat. But is there a good reason why you couldn't have both tomcat
and jetty running? Not that you'd ever really want to, but it just
seems like both should be able to access the same database.

What's the roadmap for the next few months of Geonetwork? If you're
looking at GeoServer integration I can probably help out on that front.
I'm planning on just doing most stuff by hand, but we could fairly
easily make an installer that includes both GeoServer and GeoNetwork.

I probably won't have time, but it'd be a very cool feature if when you
uploaded a new shapefile it became available in WMS/WFS with GeoServer.
It shouldn't be all that hard to hack it in, just rewrite the gs
config file or send a java object across the wire. Then from
geonetwork you could either download the file or view it on intermap,
or access through wfs with udig.

Another cool feature would be for udig to connect to the geonetwork
catalog directly.

The documentation seems to be a bit sparse - would you guys be
interested in a wiki for documentation on codehaus? And you could make
use of their bug tracker as well. Both could help open up what's going
on to outsiders, as it's still pretty opaque. James can probably
arrange this, and I'd be happy to put up my findings as I get to know
the software there. Questions like how to change the colors and the
images so I can make it geared towards a Zambian SDI, for example.

best regards,


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GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork