[GeoNetwork-users] GeoNetwork opensource v2.6.4 released

Dear All,

We're happy to announce the release of GeoNetwork v2.6.4. This is a minor release that adds a number of improvements and fixes a large number of bugs.

You can download the release from http://geonetwork-opensource.org/downloads.html

--- Changes

- #456 Catalan translation, thanks Montserrat Marco Sabaté.
- #462: Load wms in map viewer for service metadata
- #463: Update Web Map Viewer OpenLayers to 2.10
- CSW Server configuration: use textarea for abstract and increase field size
  (label) in CswServerCapabilitiesInfo table
- Set WMC panel layout
- Added verbose protocol list for online resources (metadata editor)
- Turkish transactions
- #491: Custom ElementSet in CSW 2.0.2
- INSPIRE schematron fixes integrated from trunk
- CSW INSPIRE capabilities document updated to 1.0 xsd (scenario 2). Default
  values in capabilities_inspire.xml for TemporalReference, MetadataDate,
  SpatialDataServiceType, etc require user customization for his catalog

--- Bug fixes

- #299: Catch all empty elements with gco:nilReason=missing attribute to avoid
  large blank spaces in metadata views.
- #395: Use proxy configuration for built in proxy in GeoNetwork. Thanks schaubr
  for patch
- Fix for ticket #435 - thanks to Craig Jones, IMOS/eMii and Andrew Walsh, AODN
- #467: Search by abstract in Dublin Core doesn't find results
- #473: Left-column disappearing. Disabled scroll effect
- #476: Improvements to GeoNetworkAnalyzer
- Restore ending wildcard. Related to #476.
- Fix #478. Thanks Justin Rowles
- Fix resumptionToken handling in OAI-PMH harvester: backporting #7189
- OAIPHM havester fix for Until date, the From date value was used instead
- #492 : CSW 2.0.2 ElementName processing broken
- #503 Security hole in metadata insert
- Metadata insert, fixes when validation option is selected:
  1) validate xsd and schematron, both in copy&paste and file upload options
  2) show schematron report with errors (if any)
- Fix for save template display order

I would like to thank all contributors, sponsors and clients that made this release possible!

Kind regards,

Jeroen Ticheler
PSC Chair GeoNetwork opensource
GeoCat introduces Bridge©
An extension to ArcGIS© to instantly publish data and metadata on GeoServer and GeoNetwork.
See http://geocat.net for more details.

Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Veenderweg 13
6721 WD Bennekom
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572

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