GSOC 2024: Week 5 Report: pgRouting: Implementing Brandes Betweenness Centrality

  • What I got done this week?
  • changed centrality to betweennesscentrality
  • prepared docqueries with expected output
  • adjusted the C, C++ and sql code to generate the expected output
  • What I Plan on doing next week?

    • minor changes to code to fix expected output problems
    • work on docqueries and documentation
    • clean and finish up code to provide basic pgRouting function _pgr_betweennessCentrality() with documentation (without pgtap tests) as planned in the proposal.
  • Am I Blocked on anything?

    • I now have regular “school” from 9 am to 5pm in Abu Dhabi (UTC +4:00). Apart from that I have no other commitments and will be able to work consistently from here on out.