About the GeoNetwork UI category

GeoNetwork-UI provides several applications to improve the user experience of your GeoNetwork catalog.

For more information visit geonetwork-ui website. Developers are invited to explore the github repostiory and discussions.

Public Forum

  1. OSGeo has provided instructions on signing into discourse using GitHub, OSGeo User ID LDAP, or setting up a new account.
  2. This is a public forum open to everyone to post new topics.Hint: You may need to read a few posts before the forum software trusts you.
  3. If you wish to test, please introducing yourself.

Email use

  1. From your profile preferences , use the email tab to adjust email settings.

    Select always to avoid missing any topics posted when also logged in to the discourse website.

  2. Navigate to GeoNetwork UI category, and use the bell to change notifications to Watching.

  3. Received email is marked with the mailing list header: geonetwork-ui.geonetwork.discourse.osgeo.org

  4. You can send and receive email from geonetwork-ui@discourse.osgeo.org to start a new topic.

    To test please send an email to introduce yourself (rather than a test message).