board actions from VisCom


From this morning's meeting, three requested actions for the board:

(1) Review VisCom's trademark usage guidelines
( and take one of
the following actions:

  - approve as-is to be official OSGeo policy
  - return to VisCom with minor semantic changes requested
  - return to VisCom with major semantic changes requested

Note that VisCom plans to to significantly improve the FAQ
(, but keep within the
policies in the main document (and inherited from Mozilla).

(2) Resolve the long-standing "TM" question -- specifically, should we
obtain formal trademark status for key OSGeo branding elements? VisCom
is in favor of doing this. This action may require moderate expense and
use of a lawyer, but it out of VisCom's scope. We suggest three
trademark items:

  - the name "The Open Source Geospatial Foundation"
  - the name "OSGeo"
  - the compass logo

Note: it is not clear if the word "THE" is in our formal full name or
not. VisCom needs to know this, to get our trademark guidelines
document correct. Someone, probably a legal person, would know this.

Note: depending on the disposition of item (3) below, our actual logo
might need undergo some small changes before we formally register it.

(3) Approve our request for $7200 for logo and branding work, Note that if we are going
to do (2), then the logo rework will include addition of a (TM) to it.



Michael P. Gerlek wrote:


From this morning's meeting, three requested actions for the board:

Oh man, I missed the meeting! I had 8pm in my head, thats so stupid. Sorry.


(1) Review VisCom's trademark usage guidelines
( and take one of
the following actions:

  - approve as-is to be official OSGeo policy
  - return to VisCom with minor semantic changes requested
  - return to VisCom with major semantic changes requested

Note that VisCom plans to to significantly improve the FAQ
(, but keep within the
policies in the main document (and inherited from Mozilla).

(2) Resolve the long-standing "TM" question -- specifically, should we
obtain formal trademark status for key OSGeo branding elements? VisCom
is in favor of doing this. This action may require moderate expense and
use of a lawyer, but it out of VisCom's scope. We suggest three
trademark items:

  - the name "The Open Source Geospatial Foundation"
  - the name "OSGeo"
  - the compass logo

Note: it is not clear if the word "THE" is in our formal full name or
not. VisCom needs to know this, to get our trademark guidelines
document correct. Someone, probably a legal person, would know this.

Note: depending on the disposition of item (3) below, our actual logo
might need undergo some small changes before we formally register it.

(3) Approve our request for $7200 for logo and branding work, Note that if we are going
to do (2), then the logo rework will include addition of a (TM) to it.



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We have just realized that the TrademarkGuidelines document we approved
had been changed last night by Arnulf to remove the references to formal
(TM) stuff. This means that this morning's VisCom vote to approve the
Moz-based document is somewhat tainted.

As VisCom chair, I would like the board to first take an official
position on item (2) below before acting on (1), and then VisCom will
update the guidelines as required.

For the record, of the VisCom members mpg and Tyler are in favor of TM.
Arnulf is presumably against. I don't know how Venka and Chris feel;
they can speak at the board meeting for themselves. I think Lisa is
also in favor. Alain has not expressed an opinion.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Gerlek
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:03 AM
Cc: ''
Subject: board actions from VisCom


From this morning's meeting, three requested actions for the board:

(1) Review VisCom's trademark usage guidelines
( and
take one of the following actions:

  - approve as-is to be official OSGeo policy
  - return to VisCom with minor semantic changes requested
  - return to VisCom with major semantic changes requested

Note that VisCom plans to to significantly improve the FAQ
(, but keep
within the policies in the main document (and inherited from Mozilla).

(2) Resolve the long-standing "TM" question -- specifically,
should we obtain formal trademark status for key OSGeo
branding elements? VisCom is in favor of doing this. This
action may require moderate expense and use of a lawyer, but
it out of VisCom's scope. We suggest three trademark items:

  - the name "The Open Source Geospatial Foundation"
  - the name "OSGeo"
  - the compass logo

Note: it is not clear if the word "THE" is in our formal full
name or not. VisCom needs to know this, to get our trademark
guidelines document correct. Someone, probably a legal
person, would know this.

Note: depending on the disposition of item (3) below, our
actual logo might need undergo some small changes before we
formally register it.

(3) Approve our request for $7200 for logo and branding work, Note that if
we are going to do (2), then the logo rework will include
addition of a (TM) to it.

