Cannot get any layer from external WFS

Iam trying to cascade an external WFS server, but iam not able preview any layer at all.

GeoServer 2.25.3
WFS Server (governmental server for public and free to use):
It is running probably XtraServer.

Iam using a fresh GeoServer installation and adding the WFS as a datastore and try to publish for example the layer ave_Nutzung. (it is a huge dataset so better zoom a lot in).

The Openlayer preview log is the following:

If i try the GML i get the following error.

But this error might happen because the layer defines the propertyname name, anyway other layer do not work too.

The following discussion [Geoserver-users] Error configuring external WFS layers - #8 by Jukka_Rahkonen mentiones that an INSPIRE WFS might not be able to be cascaded, is this the case?

I do not think you can make a general statement about INPIRE WFS? This will more be an issue that specific service.

If you can determine the problem you may wish to report it to the maintainer of that WFS service. When cascading GeoServer acts as a WFS Client (the client code is in the geotools library), making requests on your behalf to

Looking at the serivce it is WFS 2.0.0. Trying locally with QGIS it is very slow, and eventually timed out when accessing content. I do not think this service has the capacity to support cascading (or even public interactive use).

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That’s why i’am posting it here, including the logs, i cannot find the problem myself and i hope that someone with more experience might identify if the problem is geotools or the service server.