I am confused about the time windows query being required.
For example:
The sql code: ` TEXT, – breaks_time_windows_sql (required)’
in here says its required.
but the test for NULL does not issue an error or warning about it been null:
I execute an example with the time windows being null and it gets a result
SELECT count(*)
FROM vrp_vroomJobsPlain(
'SELECT * FROM vroom.jobs',
'SELECT * FROM vroom.jobs_time_windows',
'SELECT * FROM vroom.vehicles',
'SELECT * FROM vroom.breaks',
'SELECT * FROM vroom.matrix'
(1 row)
So from the code point of view, break time windows is optional.
You can compare with:
The one for the matrix, tests for null when null it will issue an error.
Now, if it is the case of being optional, the signatures need to change to have the optionals as last named parameters, just like we do it on pgRouting.
This signature change can be done as part of 0.5.0
Please open a ticket if they are are optional, mentioning which ones are really optional of all the vrp_vroomX functions. (So that we don’t forget to do the change on 0.5.0)