CSW capabilities (customizing them)


One of my customers would need to be able to customize the CSW capabilities for one of their subportals (and not the others): they need to provide URLs that are different than the ones computed by Geonetwork from the portal’s settings (because of some reverse-proxy settings and local policy I understood).

The thing is, those capabilities are built based on a static XML file xml/csw/capabilities.xml.

They would like not to hardcode the custom URLs in the xml file, since they want it applied only to the one subportal.

My first impression is that what my customer wants is not possible at the time (it would require adding some subportal-specific logic in csw-server/…/csw/GetCapabilities.java#L154 I believe).

Does someone have a solution/enlightening information for me about this ?


You can also define a record to be used for GetCapabilities with this setting:

This would let you customize the endpoint URL advertised in the Capabilities, unfortunately I don’t see how you could point to different records for different subportals.

Maybe adding the possibility to specify a different record UUID to use as capabilities on subportals would be a good solution for this?

Yes, this is possible on a per-subportal basis (subportal config). But AFAIK, it doesn’t apply for the capabilitities URL. At least that’s what my customer told me. I admit I haven’t checked already

Oh right, then that should be possible because this file reads into the capabilities record for URLs:

Wohoho, nice catch ! Thanks a lot @jahow, that’s what I had missed.

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