d.vect float point error.

Good Morning

I'm attempting to use d.vect on a DEC ALPHA with Grass4.1. . My problem
occurs when I attempt to access an example data file in spearfish or any
other binary vector file for that matter.

The error is as below

d.vect roads
Vector file [roads]

Selected information from dig header
Organization: US Army Const. Eng. Rsch. Lab
Map Name: Output from Vpatch
Source Date: 1961
Orig. Scale: 24000

North: 0
South: 0
East: 0
West: 0

Floating exception (core dumped)

I'm curious as to why I can read this file in d.rast but not d.vect, when
both scripts I believe were compiled at the same time.

Any suggestions

Thank you
