delete linux tag item on


Could you please delete the following article on the home page, as old
news? Perhaps Arnulf would like to do a post-event summary in it's



OSGeo booth at the LinuxTag 2006 in Wiesbaden, Germany

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation will operate a booth hosting
several of their projects at the LinuxTag 2006. LinuxTag 2006 is
presented in cooperation with the German Unix Users Group (GUUG) on May
3 - 6, 2006, in the Rhein-Main-Hallen, Wiesbaden, Germany.

GDAL/OGR (incubating)

GeoTools (incubating)

GeoServer (friend of the OSGeo)

Mapbender (incubating)

MapServer (incubating)

PostGIS (friend of the OSGeo)

Come and learn about the mission of the OSGeo, how it is structured and
what the incubation process involves. You can make individual
appointments, please contact for further information.