Download Server

Any chance we can get some space on a telescience blade to host project software downloads? Hosting downloads at PEER1 could become costly for OSGEO because they charge for bandwidth past a certain threshold. The general concept is to setup a domain such as:

Within that domain would be directories for each project to use as either the primary download location or as a mirror to existing infrastructure. Each project owner / PSC could have an FTP account for uploading files.

So in summary my questions are:

  • Does this seem reasonable?
  • When could we get something like this setup?

FYI we have the same bandwidth issue with, here is what we did to setup our download server in case that helps.

In order to avoid having to manage duplicate accounts for every project owner on the download server, what we do is maintain the downloads for each project on the master website server in a "/dl/" sub-directory for each virtualhost.

Actually, this "/dl/" subdirectory is a symlink to the master copy of the maptools download repository on the master web server. This is where project owners upload their files using the same account that they use to manage their website.

Then we have a rsync job that copies the master download repository to the download servers. We currently have only one download server at, but this setup will work great for any number of download mirrors without having to provide accounts on multiple servers to every project owner.

Finally, there is a rule in the web server that redirects any hit from the "/dl/" sub-directory to the download server. i.e. is magically redirected to


Robert Bray wrote:

Any chance we can get some space on a telescience blade to host project software downloads? Hosting downloads at PEER1 could become costly for OSGEO because they charge for bandwidth past a certain threshold. The general concept is to setup a domain such as:

Within that domain would be directories for each project to use as either the primary download location or as a mirror to existing infrastructure. Each project owner / PSC could have an FTP account for uploading files.

So in summary my questions are:

    * Does this seem reasonable?
    * When could we get something like this setup?


Daniel Morissette

Robert Bray wrote:

Any chance we can get some space on a telescience blade to host project software downloads? Hosting downloads at PEER1 could become costly for OSGEO because they charge for bandwidth past a certain threshold. The general concept is to setup a domain such as:

Within that domain would be directories for each project to use as either the primary download location or as a mirror to existing infrastructure. Each project owner / PSC could have an FTP account for uploading files.

So in summary my questions are:

    * Does this seem reasonable?
    * When could we get something like this setup?


I have setup a virtual host on the .219 telascience blade
(also known as I also created a /osgeo/download area
for the download tree, and created a /osgeo/download/mapguide subdirectory
owned by you that you can put stuff in.

For now the "download server" is just an http tree. Nothing fancy, but I
think this should be fine for the near future.

I can change the name "" to "" if
you want, but we should fix this soon if we are going to. I copied the
name from a suggestion of Tyler in IRC before returning to reply to this

I have documented the download server at:

linked off the main SAC page, and the Server Status area for the .219

At this point this should be seen as a prototype, and i'm seeking feedback
from SAC on whether the approach is ok, whether it should live elsewhere
instead and so forth. But I thought the easiest way to get feedback was
to whip up a prototype.

The DNS entry for does not exist yet. In
the meantime you can use

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo,

Thanks Frank. I have already started posting the MapGuide releases. The name is maybe more one for Tyler. Some suggestions are:

I could keep going all day, but will stop there. I don't think it is really that important and am personally happy with


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Robert Bray wrote:

Any chance we can get some space on a telescience blade to host project software downloads? Hosting downloads at PEER1 could become costly for OSGEO because they charge for bandwidth past a certain threshold. The general concept is to setup a domain such as:

Within that domain would be directories for each project to use as either the primary download location or as a mirror to existing infrastructure. Each project owner / PSC could have an FTP account for uploading files.

So in summary my questions are:

    * Does this seem reasonable?
    * When could we get something like this setup?


I have setup a virtual host on the .219 telascience blade
(also known as I also created a /osgeo/download area
for the download tree, and created a /osgeo/download/mapguide subdirectory
owned by you that you can put stuff in.

For now the "download server" is just an http tree. Nothing fancy, but I
think this should be fine for the near future.

I can change the name "" to "" if
you want, but we should fix this soon if we are going to. I copied the
name from a suggestion of Tyler in IRC before returning to reply to this

I have documented the download server at:

linked off the main SAC page, and the Server Status area for the .219

At this point this should be seen as a prototype, and i'm seeking feedback
from SAC on whether the approach is ok, whether it should live elsewhere
instead and so forth. But I thought the easiest way to get feedback was
to whip up a prototype.

The DNS entry for does not exist yet. In
the meantime you can use

Best regards,

Robert Bray wrote:

Thanks Frank. I have already started posting the MapGuide releases. The name is maybe more one for Tyler. Some suggestions are:

I could keep going all day, but will stop there. I don't think it is really that important and am personally happy with


OK, we can stick with then.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo,