Error while creating new Gridset


I’m new in Geoserver. While creating new Gridset, I face the error log below.

WARN   [web.wicket] - Unknown CRS identifier EPSG:EPSG:5179
org.geotools.api.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:EPSG:2002" from authority "European Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "interface org.geotools.api.referencing.IdentifiedObject".
        at org.geotools.referencing.factory.AbstractAuthorityFactory.noSuchAuthorityCode(
        at org.geotools.referencing.factory.PropertyAuthorityFactory.getWKT(

The log says that “EPSG:EPSG:~~” is inserted and that code is incorrect.

However, I just clicked “Find button” on “Create a new gridset” of admin web page.

How can I fix it?
I’m pleasure to your replies in advance.

I installed 2.25 binary zip files in my Windows11 and run /geoserver/bin/startup.bat file with Java11.

No matter which coordinate system is selected, the same problem occurs.


I was able to just type in “EPSG:3857” when testing 2.26 nightly build just now…

  • So for a workaround just type!

I was able to have a similar problem to yours:

  1. Using the dialog to search for and find “3857”

  2. Clicking on “EPSG:3857” … does not select the value as expected

  3. Instead it asks me if I wish to stay on the page, …

  4. And then takes me to an invalid location: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web/wicket/page?22

  5. The log shows:

09 Sep. 23:38:39 WARN   [web.wicket] - Unknown CRS identifier EPSG:EPSG:3857
org.geotools.api.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:EPSG:3857" from authority "European Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "interface org.geotools.api.referencing.IdentifiedObject".

A little while ago we added some non “EPSG” projections to the application. I am going to guess this problem was introduced at this time and not found during testing.

Reported as: [GEOS-11534] - JIRA

Are you in position to troubleshoot this issue?

Unfortunately, I don’t understand your last word.

If you want additional info about this issue, request to me and I’ll give you that.

Or If the troubleshoot that you said means “trying to solve or fix”, I’m sorry to say that is impossible.

I was asking if you had a java developer available; now that we understand where the problem is :slight_smile:

Although I reported the issue (as I put in some time to verify) please “watch” the ticket - to be informed if someone starts work, and to be available for testing a fix.

Aside: We do not have a “bug bounty” system for GeoServer. If something is urgent we often direct to commercial support. Because a workaround is available I do think this would be an urgent issue for you.