I’m new in Geoserver. While creating new Gridset, I face the error log below.
WARN [web.wicket] - Unknown CRS identifier EPSG:EPSG:5179
org.geotools.api.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:EPSG:2002" from authority "European Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "interface org.geotools.api.referencing.IdentifiedObject".
at org.geotools.referencing.factory.AbstractAuthorityFactory.noSuchAuthorityCode(AbstractAuthorityFactory.java:908)
at org.geotools.referencing.factory.PropertyAuthorityFactory.getWKT(PropertyAuthorityFactory.java:292)
The log says that “EPSG:EPSG:~~” is inserted and that code is incorrect.
However, I just clicked “Find button” on “Create a new gridset” of admin web page.
How can I fix it?
I’m pleasure to your replies in advance.
I installed 2.25 binary zip files in my Windows11 and run /geoserver/bin/startup.bat file with Java11.
No matter which coordinate system is selected, the same problem occurs.
09 Sep. 23:38:39 WARN [web.wicket] - Unknown CRS identifier EPSG:EPSG:3857
org.geotools.api.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:EPSG:3857" from authority "European Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "interface org.geotools.api.referencing.IdentifiedObject".
A little while ago we added some non “EPSG” projections to the application. I am going to guess this problem was introduced at this time and not found during testing.
I was asking if you had a java developer available; now that we understand where the problem is
Although I reported the issue (as I put in some time to verify) please “watch” the ticket - to be informed if someone starts work, and to be available for testing a fix.
Aside: We do not have a “bug bounty” system for GeoServer. If something is urgent we often direct to commercial support. Because a workaround is available I do think this would be an urgent issue for you.