experimental civicspace installation request

dear SAC,

I'd like to make a request for a service to run on telascience.
http://www.civicspacelabs.com/ offers a drupal redistribution targeted at
nonprofit communities. It is php based, which may not be to everyone's
tastes, but it is (in my past experience) a breeze to set up + tweak.

I would be happy to do the setup myself if i could be pointed at which
blade is most appropriate to use and given permissions to create a
postgres DB which the apache user can read/write. If one of you were
interested in doing all this, i'd be even happier :slight_smile: If this
experiment worked out, LDAP for user management would be an eventual
part of it too - cf http://drupal.org/search/node/ldap

Below is a short rant about why i'm wanting to do this... I really
hope that this makes sense here and is something of which SAC would
approve... i could maybe find space for it on the freemap system if
not, but it's a bit of an edge case for what freemap runs. cheers,

What I would quite like to try out is this:

Start a community.osgeo.org site, at telascience, based on an installation
of http://www.civicspacelabs.com/ , a drupal distribution specialised for
information-sharing within non-profit communities. I'm no drupalguru,
but I've found it really easy to get fairly sophisticated sites off
the ground with very quickly in the past (like 2 days...).
Pile it up with the good content from the www.osgeo site as it stands
now; ask SAC to figure out if it'll work with LDAP; and try it out on
the membership. I wouldn't see this as a be-all end-all solution to
our content management / public face issues, but as a quick-fix that
WebCom-we can put positive energy into.

If it works out, it could be a replacement for the front-end of
www.osgeo - it can link through to the mailing list archives at CN -
and we can encourage people to use the plain-mail EZMLM interface to
list subscription. If it doesn't work out, then we'll have learned
something. :slight_smile: I have a good amount of free time at the moment, and i
can't think of a better way to use it for OSGeo - especially if
getting this sorted out *is* the key to reassuring the existing
membership, reaching out to new or vacillating people, and producing
something that we could be - if not proud, at least not slightly
ashamed :wink: - to present to potential sponsors.

Is this making sense?


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