Face to Face Meeting


Pursuant to the discussions today in the board meeting I have updated the
web page about the face to face meeting in San Rafael before Where 2.0.

As discussed we have substantial work items for the board, WebCom and VisCom.
The more folks from these committees that can make it the better I believe.

I removed the old section on who could make it, since that seemed to be
oriented towards the post Where 2.0 meeting. Please re-add yourself with your
availability to attend. If you expect to travel on Sunday please indicate
that so we can plan what work items to focus on Sunday vs. Monday.


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

Frank Warmerdam wrote:


Pursuant to the discussions today in the board meeting I have updated the
web page about the face to face meeting in San Rafael before Where 2.0.

As discussed we have substantial work items for the board, WebCom and VisCom.
The more folks from these committees that can make it the better I believe.

I removed the old section on who could make it, since that seemed to be
oriented towards the post Where 2.0 meeting. Please re-add yourself with your
availability to attend. If you expect to travel on Sunday please indicate
that so we can plan what work items to focus on Sunday vs. Monday.


Best regards,

I take the 11th/12th to be the final date now so I re-added myself and will be coming on the 10th or 11th (still working out whether to take the 19h or 32h schedule)-:

If anybody thinks that it would make sense for me to stay for Where 2.0 please tell me. The 15th is a holiday in Germany so I would just miss one work day if I stay for the rest of the week. This would make the flight a little more worthwhile (I hate to inject waste into the stratosphere directly).

If some people from VisCom would be there I could imagine that we continue to walk a little after the weekend/Monday sprint, same for InCom (we are overdue with respect to Franks keen dates) . If this is unrealistic because Where 2.0 attendance eats up everybody this would not make too much sense, so I'll appreciate some feedback asap to be able to get an affordable flight.

Is there any chance of OSGeo funding some of the expenses? If it is limited I will gladly step back for financially more restricted attendants, but I think it would be important to address this topic as it will give those a chance who else would not be able to come at all.

Best regards,

Frank wrote:

> As discussed we have substantial work items for the board, WebCom and
> VisCom.
> The more folks from these committees that can make it the better I
> believe.

I can make it to this meeting and added myself to the wiki, along with a
'logistics' section to discuss hotels and travel ideas.

Arnulf wrote:

If anybody thinks that it would make sense for me to stay for Where 2.0
please tell me. The 15th is a holiday in Germany so I would just miss
one work day if I stay for the rest of the week. This would make the
flight a little more worthwhile (I hate to inject waste into the
stratosphere directly).

You should be there Arnulf. At least help man the booth and pass out
MapBender brochures! Then also participate in the BOF and developers
roundtable and meet lots of people.

If some people from VisCom would be there I could imagine that we
continue to walk a little after the weekend/Monday sprint, same for
InCom (we are overdue with respect to Franks keen dates) . If this is
unrealistic because Where 2.0 attendance eats up everybody this would
not make too much sense, so I'll appreciate some feedback asap to be
able to get an affordable flight.

I plan to head straight to San Jose after the meeting, but have no plans for
that evening. What about others?


Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Frank wrote:

As discussed we have substantial work items for the board, WebCom and
The more folks from these committees that can make it the better I

I can make it to this meeting and added myself to the wiki, along with a 'logistics' section to discuss hotels and travel ideas.

Arnulf wrote:

If anybody thinks that it would make sense for me to stay for Where 2.0
please tell me. The 15th is a holiday in Germany so I would just miss
one work day if I stay for the rest of the week. This would make the
flight a little more worthwhile (I hate to inject waste into the
stratosphere directly).

You should be there Arnulf. At least help man the booth and pass out MapBender brochures! Then also participate in the BOF and developers roundtable and meet lots of people.

If some people from VisCom would be there I could imagine that we
continue to walk a little after the weekend/Monday sprint, same for
InCom (we are overdue with respect to Franks keen dates) . If this is
unrealistic because Where 2.0 attendance eats up everybody this would
not make too much sense, so I'll appreciate some feedback asap to be
able to get an affordable flight.

I plan to head straight to San Jose after the meeting, but have no plans for that evening. What about others?


Hi Tyler,
that sounds very nice. Being one of others (we are the Borg) I confirm to stay after the Face to Face Meeting for where to point zero in San Jose if you suggest where to go in San Jose before where to and if you consent to taking me by the hand so I don't get lost. Huh?

Best regards,