FOSS4G OSGeo Project visibility

I have been appointed as Event Owner [1] of the OSGeo appearance at FOSS4G. Later the Wiki page describing the job was worked over by VisCom resulting in a long list of things [2] to be done. For this I need your help.

FOSS4G management has prepared a floor plan with OSGeo as a rectangular booth. From what we learned at other booths this is not optimal. I would like to propose to have separate tables for each project scattered throughout the exhibition hall. Each table is staffed by someone from a project (maybe even some celebrity, Steve Lime, Frank Warmerdam, Bill Gates, Daniel Morissette, Brent Owens and so on) so that during break there will be clusters of people around each project. Including the Geodata and Education Committees. They will receive some extra publicity if we manage to contact the respective potential clients prior to the conference so that they can make appointments with OSGeo representatives. We have lists of public administrations, universities, etc.

This means that each project must be prepared to have one representative be available at any time during the conference at that "booth"/table. I guess that during sessions when there are little people in the exhibition area it will be enough if we have two or three people watching over things. I think from a community perspective and the goal of bringing people together it would be a lot more attractive to not have one booth crammed with people but to spread them loosely across the exhibition hall. I have to check back with FOSS4G planners whether this would be possible at all but before I do that I need to know whether we can make it at all. Please reply to this email filling out the [square brackets]:

The [enter project name] PSC reports that [number of people] people have agreed to staff the exhibition platform. The Project [can provide for / needs] one notebook for presentations.

If I receive 7 positive replies within four workdays we can do it this way. If not we will just have one boring booth in a corner and I am going to make sure that it looks ugly an unhappy.

We currently have 8 software projects plus geodata plus education plus one table for people to register as OSGeo members, sell trivia and discuss Foundation issues.

Autodesk involvement
Autodesk is again involved with sponsoring and additionally provides for infrastructure and organizational support. Thanks a lot. They coordinate events on a separate conference call an Tuesdays (tomorrow) and ideally I could already give them a few hints at how this is going to develop. Hint hint, please get back here quick with an answer.

We have an action item list kindly prepared from Lisa Landers at Autodesk specifying some more details:


OSGeo Staffing: <ACTION ITEM – ARNULF> Provide a list of people available to staff the booth. This will help determine the number of kiosks, currently scheduled for 3 each.

If we really get all 11 tables staffed with one person each at any time that should be fine. I have added a list to the Wiki, please enter yourself or somebody you know. Don't forget that person to tell about it!

OSGeo Demo: <ACTION ITEM – ARNULF, TYLER, LISA> Need to review during OSGeo’s committee meeting on Thursday to determine what we can come up with for both FOSS4G & EuroOSCON. An avi as suggested by Lisa?

Projects are ~required to deliver presentation and demo for graduation. This is what is referred to here. An avi might not be that important but living demos are essential! VisCom can obviously not prepare them, so the projects would need to make sure they have something to show. If software needs be installed locally please bring your own. Enhance it with some breath-taking new gimmick. Steve Lime was bored last year, I don't want to see this happen again. :slight_smile:

Booth Collateral: <ACTION ITEM – ARNULF> Will most likely use the 10 OSGeo bruchures that were used at OSCON Portland but may need to localize, in German (for sure), French & Italian. <ACTION ITEM – TINA> Will need to determine where they will be printed, either Adsk US or EMEA.

Again the content is something that you must provide, VisCom oversees that printing is done. German translations are already prepared but the international discuss list is dead in the water so if you have anything in another language please make it available to VisCom.

Kind regards,



Projects are ~required to deliver presentation and demo for graduation. This is what is referred to here. An avi might not be that important but living demos are essential! VisCom can obviously not prepare them, so the projects would need to make sure they have something to show. If software needs be installed locally please bring your own. Enhance it with some breath-taking new gimmick. Steve Lime was bored last year, I don't want to see this happen again. :slight_smile:

1. Could you please update with a list of documentation required for Marketing, or link to a list.

2. As Mapbuilder is about to be proposed for graduation, has it created sufficient marketing material?

Cameron Shorter

Cameron, others:

In our fondest dreams, VisCom imagines something like this:

Feel free to add your own thoughts to the page.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Shorter []
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:48 PM
Subject: [VisCom] Re: [Incubator] FOSS4G OSGeo Project visibility

> Projects are ~required to deliver presentation and demo for
> This is what is referred to here. An avi might not be that
important but
> living demos are essential! VisCom can obviously not
prepare them, so
> the projects would need to make sure they have something to
show. If
> software needs be installed locally please bring your own.
Enhance it
> with some breath-taking new gimmick. Steve Lime was bored
last year, I
> don't want to see this happen again. :slight_smile:
> </Arnulf>

1. Could you please update
with a list
of documentation required for Marketing, or link to a list.

2. As Mapbuilder is about to be proposed for graduation, has
it created
sufficient marketing material?

Cameron Shorter

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On Mon, August 21, 2006 22:48, Cameron Shorter wrote:


Projects are ~required to deliver presentation and demo for graduation.
This is what is referred to here. An avi might not be that important but
living demos are essential! VisCom can obviously not prepare them, so
the projects would need to make sure they have something to show. If
software needs be installed locally please bring your own. Enhance it
with some breath-taking new gimmick. Steve Lime was bored last year, I
don't want to see this happen again. :slight_smile:

1. Could you please update with a list
of documentation required for Marketing, or link to a list.

2. As Mapbuilder is about to be proposed for graduation, has it created
sufficient marketing material?

Hi Cameron,
I found OSGeo_MapBuilder.pdf in the VisCom library but the "source" is not
there. Probably it should be upadted too. I think we can require at least
this document to be therre for every project. What do you think? There is
a German language version that the German Local Chapter is taking care of.

As an add on you could make a presentation with maybe 10 slides and a list
of all productive and demo systems that you can lay your hands on. I think
that would be helpful for booths. Try the 5 minute rule.

Can you nudge one or two of your team to staff a table at FOSS4G?

Regards, Arnulf.

Cameron Shorter

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Arnulf Christl

On 21-Aug-06, at 2:47 PM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

I found OSGeo_MapBuilder.pdf in the VisCom library but the "source" is not
there. Probably it should be upadted too. I think we can require at least
this document to be therre for every project. What do you think? There is
a German language version that the German Local Chapter is taking care of.

Are you saying that the scribus document files for mapbuilder are not online? They should be...


Cameron Shorter wrote:


Projects are ~required to deliver presentation and demo for graduation. This is what is referred to here. An avi might not be that important but living demos are essential! VisCom can obviously not prepare them, so the projects would need to make sure they have something to show. If software needs be installed locally please bring your own. Enhance it with some breath-taking new gimmick. Steve Lime was bored last year, I don't want to see this happen again. :slight_smile:

1. Could you please update with a list of documentation required for Marketing, or link to a list.

I added a couple ideas with a question mark, but yes a real list would be good.

Are presentation and demo needed for GeoTools for FOSS4G, I am afraid I do not have a good line of communication set up with viscom.

A couple of answers from the GeoTools community.

We tried talking about this in the geotools meeting yesterday, but enthusiasm was really low (as hacker this
is basically there first change to meet in person and they all want to talk shop). However the word is out.

We will have several demos of the interoperability kind that we were going to use for the demofest, but demo of a library
is hard (we can only show applications).

Here are two ideas:
We are starting on a demo/introduction as part of the library download.
-I am doing a couple of presentations for FOSS4G

Would these be sufficient content for the viscom requirement.


On Mon, August 21, 2006 22:48, Cameron Shorter wrote:


Projects are ~required to deliver presentation and demo for graduation.
This is what is referred to here. An avi might not be that important but
living demos are essential! VisCom can obviously not prepare them, so
the projects would need to make sure they have something to show. If
software needs be installed locally please bring your own. Enhance it
with some breath-taking new gimmick. Steve Lime was bored last year, I
don't want to see this happen again. :slight_smile:

1. Could you please update with a list
of documentation required for Marketing, or link to a list.

2. As Mapbuilder is about to be proposed for graduation, has it created
sufficient marketing material?
Hi Cameron,
I found OSGeo_MapBuilder.pdf in the VisCom library but the "source" is not
there. Probably it should be upadted too. I think we can require at least
this document to be therre for every project. What do you think? There is
a German language version that the German Local Chapter is taking care of.

As an add on you could make a presentation with maybe 10 slides and a list
of all productive and demo systems that you can lay your hands on. I think
that would be helpful for booths. Try the 5 minute rule.

Can you nudge one or two of your team to staff a table at FOSS4G?

On 22-Aug-06, at 1:32 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Are presentation and demo needed for GeoTools for FOSS4G,

Jody, you can assume 'yes'. While Arnulf is recruiting folks with his broader vision, regardless of how that vision pans out, we are going to need volunteers to present material at a booth and to help answer questions.

I am afraid I do not have a good line of communication set up with viscom.

Yes you do - that's what Arnulf's note was :slight_smile: .. to draw you guys into the event. Maybe you aren't on enough lists. :wink:
