FW: Motion re: Shirt order

Hello All,

I think Tyler's motion is viable, considering volunteers at the booth should all have a T-shirt on. That being said, I would further suggest that rather have to order a relatively small number of t0shirts for every conference, it might be more cost effective to order a large quantity now that we can then have shipped to multiple conferences during the year.

Just my thoughts, given the urgency for the T-shirts now though, I think it isn't unreasonable to get the t-shirts done.


Alain Grignon
Landslide GIS Specialist / Spécialiste SIG en glissements de terrains
Geological Survey of Canada / Commission géologique du Canada
601 Booth st. / 601 rue Booth
Ottawa, Ont.
Tel: (613) 947-8773

-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell@shaw.ca]
Sent: July 15, 2006 10:48 AM
To: Grignon, Alain
Subject: Re: Motion re: Shirt order

Good morning,
Thanks a lot for the note - I'm happy to hear you are still interested. It's going to be a busy fall :slight_smile:


On 15-Jul-06, at 6:18 AM, Grignon, Alain wrote:


I'm still on board, I just haven't had much time to commit to it.
That said, i'm still very much on board and will look at your motion

Thamks for the heads up.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell@shaw.ca>
To: Grignon, Alain
Sent: Fri Jul 14 23:58:55 2006
Subject: Motion re: Shirt order

Salut Alain,
Since I joined Viscom, I haven't seen you around - is everything ok?
I'm not writing to pester you about VisCom attendance, but I see you
are a member - do you think you will have more time to commit in the
future, or is it not going to work out?

You are still an official member of the committee and I would
encourage you to vote on the motion I just sent out. I know it's not
a huge deal, but because many of our committee are away or unreachable
it would help us get this motion passed quickly - does that make

Let me know how you are doing.

Take care,

Begin forwarded message:

  From: Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell@shaw.ca>
  Date: July 14, 2006 8:52:59 PM PDT (CA)
  To: dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
  Subject: [VisCom] Motion re: Shirt order
  Reply-To: dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org

  I would like to do this 'proper' way and make a motion... though I
realise some of our group are unreachable at the moment:

  I move that we order less than $300 worth of OSGeo t-shirts for
volunteers who are managing the OSGeo booth and presence at OSCON, as
well as a few extras to give away at the conference or keep on- hand
for other events.

  Please reply with a vote!

  On 14-Jul-06, at 5:19 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

    Hi all,
    In anticipation for OSCON I would like to order some shirts.
Based on my quick check it's relatively cheap to get these done.
To just cover off folks at OSCON (plus a few extras) I need about
$200. Does anyone object to me ordering shirts to cover the folks who
need them at the conference (~10), plus a couple for them to give

    I need to then pass this on to the board for approval, so please
respond with your two bits ASAP.


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Grignon, Alain wrote:

Hello All,

I think Tyler's motion is viable, considering volunteers at the booth
should all have a T-shirt on. That being said, I would further suggest that
rather have to order a relatively small number of t0shirts for every
conference, it might be more cost effective to order a large quantity now
that we can then have shipped to multiple conferences during the year.

Alain / Tyler,

I also wonder if it would be more efficient to get a fair sized batch done.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

On 17-Jul-06, at 8:38 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Grignon, Alain wrote:

Hello All,
I think Tyler's motion is viable, considering volunteers at the booth
should all have a T-shirt on. That being said, I would further suggest that
rather have to order a relatively small number of t0shirts for every
conference, it might be more cost effective to order a large quantity now
that we can then have shipped to multiple conferences during the year.

Alain / Tyler,

I also wonder if it would be more efficient to get a fair sized batch done.

With this provider there isn't a lot of benefit for larger orders-there is only a 5% discount on orders > $1,000. Other than that, there is only greater benefit if you want to have a whole bunch of different kinds of shirts where they charge you for having too few of each kind (i.e. 1 button-up, 1 tshirt, etc.).

I can see it as beneficial from a logistics standpoint to still have more readily at hand, but then the problems comes with who 'manages' them - how they recover shipping costs, where are the located (U.S., Canada, other??). Tying the shipments to a conference is slick, because we get them to someone on the ground locally and then don't have to pay additional shipping to get them to members. I think we actually save money taking this approach versus stockpiling our own - at the moment.

The real issue will come when we start to do anything outside the U.S. because everyone will get beat-up on shipping costs. But until then, seriously, there isn't much benefit. Shipping a small order of shirts is <$10 and we're not being penalised for a small order. A longer term strategy is definitely needed though, I would agree.

I'll pass this over to the board/treasurer to give me direction on next steps. Obviously OSCON orders will _only_ work if I can get it done this week - so I'm hoping enough of the board can give me the go ahead ASAP (i.e. not waiting until Friday's meeting).


Tyler Mitchell wrote:

With this provider there isn't a lot of benefit for larger orders-there is only a 5% discount on orders > $1,000. Other than that, there is only greater benefit if you want to have a whole bunch of different kinds of shirts where they charge you for having too few of each kind (i.e. 1 button-up, 1 tshirt, etc.).

I can see it as beneficial from a logistics standpoint to still have more readily at hand, but then the problems comes with who 'manages' them - how they recover shipping costs, where are the located (U.S., Canada, other??). Tying the shipments to a conference is slick, because we get them to someone on the ground locally and then don't have to pay additional shipping to get them to members. I think we actually save money taking this approach versus stockpiling our own - at the moment.

The real issue will come when we start to do anything outside the U.S. because everyone will get beat-up on shipping costs. But until then, seriously, there isn't much benefit. Shipping a small order of shirts is <$10 and we're not being penalised for a small order. A longer term strategy is definitely needed though, I would agree.


Ah, ok. I didn't realize this.

I'll pass this over to the board/treasurer to give me direction on next steps. Obviously OSCON orders will _only_ work if I can get it done this week - so I'm hoping enough of the board can give me the go ahead ASAP (i.e. not waiting until Friday's meeting).

This may be problematic. Technically a motion of the board is only
in effect if voted at a voice meeting with quorum, or if supported in
an email vote by everyone. But I imagine we could proceed with a reasonable
degree of support on the board.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org