FW: [VisCom] Planning for Where 2.0 press event


Nice job organizing Developer Roundtable/Press Event (we should be
consistent in labeling this thing - I've seen both). Pinning some of
the details down allows us to firm up the logistics with the conference
organizers. Details to come.



From: Kirsten Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:21 AM
To: Peter Moran; Laura Rivera
Subject: RE: [VisCom] Planning for Where 2.0 press event

Now that we have things pretty nailed down I'll connect with Andrew
today and get all the logistics finalized. Great work!

Kirsten Davidson
Brand Manager, ISD

Worldwide Marketing

Autodesk, Inc.
The Landmark @ One Market, Ste. 500
San Francisco, California 94105

Direct 415 547-2475
Fax 415 547-2222


From: Peter Moran
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:12 AM
To: Laura Rivera; Kirsten Davidson
Subject: FW: [VisCom] Planning for Where 2.0 press event

Laura - here are some details on that event at Where 2.0 after Gary
speaks, on Wed June 14. It has also been called a Developer Roundtable.
Can you please provide the info requested below to mpg@lizardtech.com?

Kirsten - has location for this event been determined?



From: Michael P. Gerlek [mailto:mpg@lizardtech.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:19 AM
To: rich.gibson@gmail.com; Dave McIlhagga (External); Frank Warmerdam
(External); Gary Lang; schuyler@nocat.net
Cc: dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org; Kirsten Davidson
Subject: [VisCom] Planning for Where 2.0 press event

For the Where 2.0 press event, I have put the agenda, discussion topic,
and some "leading questions" on the Wiki at


All (participants and VisCom folk): please review this and send me any
comments you have.

As a participant in this event, you really only have two things to do.
First, while on the plane to the event, review the topic and sample
questions -- scribble down some notes for an opening statement and some
points you'd like to make during the discussion. Second, show up at the
assigned time and speak. That's it!

Also, I need the moderator and panelists to send me the following by
Monday, for inclusion in a press packet:
  * preferred email address
  * URL, if appropriate
  * employer and title
  * city, state/province, country
  * OSGeo affiliation (e.g. board member, etc)
  * short bio (~3 sentences)


