2016-01-18 10:25 GMT+01:00 Florent Gravin <florent.gravin@anonymised.com>:
The link http://apps.titellus.net/gnmdr/swagger-ui/# doesn’t show anything, should it show the API doc ?
Should display something like
https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1701393/12294032/acecaffa-b9f7-11e5-8644-4905a16721de.png (works for me)
I think it’s a very good idea to have an API doc auto generated, even though the annotations are quite intrusive in the code.
springfox grabs part of the information from spring annotations, but yes, quite some more annotations are needed to create complete docs.
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Jose Garcia <jose.garcia@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi Francois
I don’t know other tools for this, this one looks a nice option. If documentation can be generated automatically, thats really good. Now the documentation for API requires manual maintenance and is not updated properly.
+1 for this.
Jose García
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Florent Gravin
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Francois Prunayre <fx.prunayre@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi all, I would like your feedback on API & API documentation.
For Jeeves services we used to have the XML services doc [1] which was quite hard to maintain. With the move to Spring MVC, we have now in on place in the Java code the description of the service (instead of 2 places with Jeeves). It could make sense to try to generate the doc from the Java code.
One option could be to use springfox [2] and swagger [3] which allows to document the service in the source (with annotations [4]) and generate the API doc from that.
An experiment was made in this PR [5] and the API doc could be published by the catalog using swagger-ui eg. http://apps.titellus.net/gnmdr/swagger-ui/
Before going further, It would be nice to discuss:
- does this sounds relevant to all ?
- is there any other/better alternatives ?
- and if we decide to go that direction, decide on the URL structure and make that approach mandatory for all services for future releases.
What do you think ?
Looking forward your feedback.
[1] http://geonetwork-opensource.org/manuals/2.10.4/eng/developer/xml_services/index.html
[2] http://springfox.github.io/springfox/docs/current/
[3] http://swagger.io/
[4] https://github.com/fxprunayre/core-geonetwork/blob/improvement/metadata/resources/services/src/main/java/org/fao/geonet/services/api/metadata/resources/ResourcesApi.java#L121
[5] https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/1385
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Vriendelijke groeten / Kind regards,
Jose García

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