[GeoNetwork-devel] backport bot configured for main branch

Hello everyone,

I have setup a backport bot that will watch PRs against the main branch, and notes backport labels (“backport 4.2.x” and “backport 3.12.x”, “backport ”). This represents a change from the previous practice of “backport-” (no more “-” character).

The backport script description:

Backport is a JavaScript GitHub Action to backport a pull request by simply adding a label to it.

It can backport rebased and merged pull requests with a single commit and squashed and merged pull requests.

Instructions have been added to:

Here is the script: backport.yml
Here is an example PR it produced: [Backport 4.2.x] document backport 4.2.x if you want to see what it looks like in action.

We have been using this script for a number of years on geoserver-devel and I hope it reduces the effort to cherry-pick changes by hand when working across multiple branches.


Jody Garnett