For the testing purposes have you considered using git-svn? That is what I use and while it is not as good of an experience as pure git it will allow one to get used to branching and merging with git but only have to commit to one repository.
Also I have a Geonetwork mirror on Git hub, but it is only a mirror and cannot be committed to because the mirror process is from svn to git only.
But if we do use GIT-SVN for the trial period I would like to emphasize two points:
- It is not as good of an experience as pure git. It is slow and one has less control and there is a slightly bigger chance of conflicts if you use git svn dcommit without first doing a git svn rebase first
- You can check out only the last version with git-svn, you don’t have to checkout entire repo and all the history for ever.
From: Emanuele Tajariol <>
Sent: Dienstag, 20. März 2012 14:53:38
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-devel] CFV : Move toGitHub
Hi Heikki,
very good move!
Anyway, before moving the current repo into git, I guess that some cleanup may
be done. A deep review should be performed, but I think that directories like
web/src/main/webapp/scripts/ext/air/samples (14MB) are good candidates.
A big dir that can be probably made thinner is maven_repo. I see jars and wars
in there that can be found in standard maven repositories, but maybe I’m
missing the point about them being in that dir.
Just to make a couple of examples: the geoserver war file is about 50MB in
size, but it’s a derived product (it may be built by maven itself): why don’t
just build up a pom file that loads the pieces remotely and builds the final
war, without having to store it all in the git repo?
Also other libs seems to be present in more or less standard mvn repos (slide-
webdavlib, jdbm, …). Again, I could be missing the point about the whole
Alle 11:49:03 di Tuesday 20 March 2012, heikki ha scritto:
Dear PSC,
please vote on the proposal to try moving away from Sourceforge to Github : regards
Heikki Doeleman
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