Dear list,
Sorry for this question about “software archelogy”, but I found myself in a situation in which I need to compile from scratch version 3.6.0. I downloaded this tag from github but it seems one of the servers are down:
We downloaded sources from github tagged by 3.6.1. Compile it and deployed. But when accessing we get the following error:
We checked it is not due to the user’s permisissions (we are in Windows server).
Deploying code from last stable version in an environment with version 3.6.0 throws this error:
2022-12-23 12:08:19,009 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] - HHH000388: Unsuccessful: alter table Sources add column isLocal char(1) not null
2022-12-23 12:08:19,009 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] - ERROR: la columna «islocal» de la relación «sources» contiene valores null
2022-12-23 12:08:39,636 WARN [] - - Data directory properties is not set. Use geonetwork.dir or geonetwork.dir properties.
2022-12-23 12:08:39,637 WARN [] - - Data directory provided could not be used. Using default location: D:\apache-tomcat\webapps\geonetwork\WEB-INF\data
2022-12-23 12:08:41,672 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - Cannot resolve will append last component to current path (not sure it will help though!)
2022-12-23 12:08:41,877 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - WARNING: gco:Record is a global element without a type - assuming a string
2022-12-23 12:08:42,103 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - WARNING: gco:Record is a global element without a type - assuming a string
2022-12-23 12:08:42,107 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - WARNING: schema-substitutions.xml has wiped out XSD substitution list for gml:VerticalDatum
2022-12-23 12:08:42,110 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - WARNING: schema-substitutions.xml has wiped out XSD substitution list for gml:CoordinateSystemAxis
2022-12-23 12:08:42,112 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - WARNING: schema-substitutions.xml has wiped out XSD substitution list for gml:VerticalCS
2022-12-23 12:08:42,114 WARN [geonetwork.schemamanager] - WARNING: schema-substitutions.xml has wiped out XSD substitution list for gml:CoordinateSystemAxis
It seems trying to update database model.
After doing some tests, I have a few questions to understand how updating Works:
· If I want to update my 3.6.0 to version 3.6.1, how should I proceed?
· If deployed last stable version and deployed it, does it try to update the data model? One of our tests in a diferente server was doen like that and it tried to update but failed. I am not sure if corrupted database because of that. Just please, confirm. If I deploy a newwer version does it will to apply changes to dabase?
· Transforming SNAPSHOT to RELEASE is necessary to deploy? I think it isn’t but just to confirm.
· Is there any other file, appart from jdbc.propperties that we need to configure?
Sorry if those are basic questions. Pointing to the right URL would be very useful as well.
I hope someone could help on clarifying those questins. Thank you in any case.